Urban Development Urban Planning Problems Literature Review

2010). The entire Southern Hemisphere of the world is also generally far less developed than the Northern Hemisphere, which contains Europe and North America, though there are some notable exceptions to this gross generalization (Watson 2009). In addition to the ecological and logistical problems that face urban planning and development projects the world over, there are some unique issues in the developing world that need to be taken into account. Specifically, ongoing political unrest -- which is often accompanied by fragmented and/or wholly independent armed forces or militias -- can lead to hindrances in the planning and implementation of urban development projects, and can actually lead to the physical destruction of existing or developing infrastructure (Davis 2010). Another problem that is somewhat unique to the developing world, but that also occurs to some degree in developed countries and regions, is determining the most effective land use during urban planning and development projects (Raddad et al. 2010). Specifically, in the developing world there is still an abundance of land that is used for agriculture, whether it is especially arable or not; shifting the use of large swaths of land to urban centers requires a massive assessment of how the basic economy and simple nutritional provision of the country/region will be accomplished (Raddad et al. 2010).

The primary difference that can be seen in urban planning taking place in the developing world vs. that...


There are also many similarities that exist in the problems faced by urban planning regardless of the country or region in which this planning is taking place, especially in the degree to which politics can inhibit urban planning and influences the ultimate trajectory of planning that takes place in developed and developing parts of the world (Kantor 2010).

Beall, J.; Khasnobis, B. & Kanbur, R. (2010). "Introduction: African Development in an Urban World: Beyond the Tipping Point." Urban forum 21(3), pp. 187-204.

BenDor, T. & Doyle, M. (2010). "Planning for Ecosystem Service Markets." Journal of the American Planning Association 76(1), pp. 59-72.

Davis, D. (2010). "Irregular armed forces, shifting patterns of commitment, and fragmented sovereignty in the developing world." Theory and society 39(3/4), pp. 397-413.

de Graff, R. & Dewulf, G. (2010). "Applying the lessons of strategic urban planning learned in the developing world to the Netherlands: A case study of three industrial area development projects." Habitat international 34(4), pp. 471-77.

Kantor, P. (2010). "City futures: politics, economic crisis, and the American model of urban development." Urban research and practice 3(1), pp. 1-11.

Tennoy, A. (2010). "Why we fail to reduce urban road traffic volumes: Does it matter how planners frame the problem?" Transport policy 17(4), pp. 216-23.

Watson, V. (2009). "Seeing from the South: Refocusing Urban Planning on the Globe's…

Sources Used in Documents:


Beall, J.; Khasnobis, B. & Kanbur, R. (2010). "Introduction: African Development in an Urban World: Beyond the Tipping Point." Urban forum 21(3), pp. 187-204.

BenDor, T. & Doyle, M. (2010). "Planning for Ecosystem Service Markets." Journal of the American Planning Association 76(1), pp. 59-72.

Davis, D. (2010). "Irregular armed forces, shifting patterns of commitment, and fragmented sovereignty in the developing world." Theory and society 39(3/4), pp. 397-413.

de Graff, R. & Dewulf, G. (2010). "Applying the lessons of strategic urban planning learned in the developing world to the Netherlands: A case study of three industrial area development projects." Habitat international 34(4), pp. 471-77.

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