Dsm Iv And Dsm V Diagnoses For A Character Term Paper

Psychotherapy: The client will benefit from ongoing and in-depth psychoanalysis to attempt to discover some of the root causes of the issues. Because Belfort did not exhibit his behavioral problems prior to working in the Wall Street sector, it is likely that talk therapy will help elucidate some of the core reasons why he changed. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Once talking therapy has clarified some of the core issues Belfort is facing, cognitive-behavioral therapy can help him to identify the irrational, unreasonable, and untenable thought processes and biased beliefs that lead to his dysfunctional behaviors. The goal of the cognitive-behavioral therapy intervention will be behavioral change but also shifts in the ways Belfort views himself, other people, and his values.

Volunteer work and selfless service: Because Belfort has been consumed with an identity linked to money, power, and prestige, it may be helpful for him to shift focus to working with people in need. It is possible that his Wall Street milieu has clouded his judgment due to lack of exposure to other ways of life. The client may be encouraged to apply his business acumen to philanthropic work, as his core strengths are working with others, business acumen, and teaching abilities.

Writing: The client may be encouraged to use writing as a


The client admits to using multiple types of drugs at different times, including Quaalude, Adderall, Xanex, Pot, Cocaine, and Morphine. The client exhibits core symptoms over a number of years, far longer than the necessary six months for diagnosis under this axis. The client exhibits loss of control over his drug use, has put his daughter in danger due directly to using, and even after several years of sobriety returns to using. He has stated, "On a daily basis, I consume enough drugs to sedate Manhattan, Long Island, and Queens ... for a month," and is cognizant of being an addict. "What can I say, I'm a drug addict I really am. I mean, cocaine, pills, whatever it is I'll do it ... thats the truth. And I'm a sex addict too."
Axis II: 301.83 Borderline Personality Disorder. Client is marked by instability in relationships and personal life, exhibiting recklessness in several areas including sex and spending. Client also exhibits paranoia and anger management problems, and problems with empathy in his relationships given his lack of understanding of how his actions have impacted the lives of others. His…

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