How Do Electric Cars Affect The Environment Essay

How Do Gas-Powered Cars Affect the Environment?

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), gas-powered cars are one of the most significant sources of emissions that contribute to global warming in the United States. In the United States alone, transportation-related emissions are responsible for 29% of greenhouse gas emissions, making it the largest contributing sector to climate change (Carbon Pollution from Transportation). Despite the development of electric vehicles, hybrid cars, and the development of more fuel-efficient vehicles, the transportation sectors contribution to global warming increased more than any other sector from 1990 to 2019 (Carbon Pollution from Transportation).

Car use can also have significant impacts upon the general infrastructure of the nation, requiring the building of major highways that can result in noise pollution and disruption of natural habitats. The need for adequate parking and driving areas can also result in the reduction of walkable structures and places for people to enjoy the environment, as well as noise pollution. Many habits of drivers further contribute to emissions, thanks to the need for long commutes and the pressures of time, such as accelerating quickly or idling in traffic (Reducing Air Pollution From Cars).

Manufacturing vehicles is also not without environmental costs. Currently, the country which is the most significant source of automotive production is China, followed by the United States and Japan (Gorton). Although the automotive sector declined...…Even though the cars still create some environmental stresses when they are produced, like all manufactured products, the fact that they use a renewable resource is designed to lessen the environmental impact of continued use, over time.

Electric vehicles are not a perfect solution to issues such as overcrowding, a lack of public transportation in many areas, and the escalating cost of new vehicles. But commuters who can be assured of finding a recharging station easily when necessary, or drivers who do not care that the vehicles do not escalate as dramatically as gas-powered cars, they may be willing to explore the option in the future, as more companies offer the vehicles (The Rise…

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Works Cited

“Carbon Pollution from Transportation.” Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),

“Electric Cars.” Young People’s Trust For the Environment. 2022.

Gorton, David. “6 Countries That Produce the Most Cars.” Investopedia. 18 December 2021.

“Reducing Air Pollution From Cars.” Department of Ecology: State of Washington.

“The Rise of Electric.” Hertz.

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"How Do Electric Cars Affect The Environment" (2022, May 14) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

"How Do Electric Cars Affect The Environment" 14 May 2022. Web.27 July. 2024. <>

"How Do Electric Cars Affect The Environment", 14 May 2022, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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