1820-1850 Is Seen As A Period Of Essay

¶ … 1820-1850 is seen as a period of major change in American History. We often call this period the Age of Jackson, since Adrew Jackson had a profound influence on this entire period. Describe what Jackson stood for and what his policies on the spoils system, nullification, The Bank of the U.S., Indian Removal, land sale, and the opening of the West. Also discuss the great strides in transportation in this era. Then I want you to give an assessment as to whether you feel that the changes were due to the actions of Jackson or would they have occurred at this time regardless of who sat in the White House? Be very specific. The Age of Jackson

Andrew Jackson's election for U.S. presidency in 1828 made it possible for the masses to acknowledge that change was going to happen. In addition to the fact that the new president had innovative ideas, the general public also started to express particular interest in wanting to contribute to reform happening throughout the country. The effective system of checks and balances would now become more complex, as it would come to involve a series of new strategies meant to guarantee that all major players in the country would get actively involved in supporting a democratic government. Even though Jackson was generally interested in boosting the image of his party, the Democrats, he also introduced new methods of thinking related to the importance of financial and thought progress throughout the territory.

The seventh president of the U.S. was a notable individual and his background played an essential role in influencing the country's citizens in wanting to vote for him. Jackson's character is impressive precisely because of his harshness and because he was determined to impose himself whenever the situation required him to do so. Jackson was...


experienced much progress throughout the early nineteenth century and it became obvious that reform was going to happen. Even with this, most economies were local at that time as most people were involved in farming and trading.
Conditions changed significantly by the second half of the nineteenth century as individuals gained a better understanding of the role that they could play in the country's progress and of the fact that they could actually take opportunity of their status. "Most farmers were still rural people, but even most American farmers were now part of a national, and increasingly international, market economy" (261). The U.S. has advanced greatly until that time and it actually came to get engaged in competing with some of the most industrialized countries in the world for supremacy. It was then when it became obvious that something had happened in that time period and that Americans were no longer novices in industry-related domains.

The industrial revolution had dealt a full blow to the U.S. And the results started to be visible during the second half of the nineteenth century. It is difficult to determine the exact role that Andrew Jackson played in this process, but it is nonetheless intriguing to consider the fact that his thinking encouraged many to get involved in assisting the nation in experiencing progress. It appears that Jackson wanted to fuel individuals belonging to lower classes in thinking that it was only normal for them to…

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Jackson was determined to remove Indians from territories in the vicinity of American states and he believed that by moving them to the West he would make it possible for Americans to settle further to the West on territories previously belonging to Native Americans. His actions have had terrible consequences on Indian populations as they were forced to travel westward to territories that they nothing to do with and as they were poorly equipped to travel great distances. "Between 1830 and 1838, virtually all the "Five Civilized Tribes" were expelled from the southern states and forced to relocate in the new Indian Territory, which Congress had officially created by the Indian Intercourse Act of 1834" (245).

Jackson was actively involved in cancelling the Second Bank of the United States' federal charter for a series of reasons mainly related to how particular individuals were provided with the opportunity to exploit both the government and the nation's finances. Given that Jackson intended to provide all people with equal powers to experience progress, he acknowledged that the federal charter was actually meant to assist wealthy individuals in becoming richer. His involvement was practically meant to assist western and southern states in having the opportunity to progress similar to how northern states were progressing. The seventh president was reluctant to allow the country's rich families to continue to exploit the masses without providing them with the privileges that underprivileged individuals were entitled to.

It is difficult to determine the exact role that Jackson played in the change happening throughout the U.S. In the 1928-1960 time periods. The fact that the first phase of the industrial revolution happened concomitantly to the Age of Jackson makes it possible for individuals to understand that Americans had been particularly successful as a result of these two occurrences, considering that the industrial revolution enabled them to industrialize their businesses and that Jackson introduced thinking that would no longer allow influential actors to intervene and prevent the masses from progressing.

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