Case Study And Business


Program Evaluation Plan for Coca Cola Company The mission statement forms the basis for the roadmap of a company. It is the reference point that helps the management to make decisions. Coca Cola seeks to • Provide refreshment for the world

• Facilitate happiness and optimism in people's lives

• Create and add value as it seeks to inspire significant change (The Coca-Cola Company, 2016).


In order to continue enjoying sustainable growth of their business, Coca Cola uses its vision as the requisite framework for the description of the planned mission. This is the basis for sustainable growth. The following elements form the basis for their vision for success

• People: Coca Cola environment should be inspiring and be a place people want to work in all the time in a bid to become their best.

• Portfolio: present the world with a range of high quality drinks

• Partners: create a successful customer network that joins the company's mission to create mutual value for the long-term

• Planet: to become a good citizen by promoting community endeavors for sustainable growth

• Profit: increase the return that shareholders get even as it takes its responsibilities seriously

• To become effective while maintaining a lean size but move fast in business (The Coca-Cola Company, 2016).

The Water Stewardship Program by Coca Cola

Coca Cola takes its water stewardship program seriously. It seeks a comprehensive approach in this process. The program has been noted to have greatly improved the company's water efficiency in terms of usage. It is reported that the efficiency has gone up by about 20%. Yet, even as the risks for water usage increase and the expectations of the stakeholders also grow, the company realized the need to involve third party evaluation in its water efficiency programs. Thus, Coca Cola joined hands with Ceres Aqua and Irbaris to apply the Ceres Aqua Gaugetm technology in 2012 to assess and evaluate the weaknesses and strengths of its water stewardship (Walsh & Dowding, 2012). Later, in 2013, the company reviewed its goals for a sustainable water stewardship program. It applied...


The company has set a new water efficiency threshold at 25% by the year 2020.

This research will make use of quantitative data to unearth solutions to the questions raised. The research process will apply surveys and use open and close ended questions. Interviews will also be used where appropriate. It is a research anchored on meanings derived from word communication (Saunders et al., 2009). Analysis will be conducted by conceptualization. Qualitative approach incorporates inductive and deductive approaches. The research process will involve Coca Cola employees in India. Questionnaires will be given to these employees as a data collection strategy.

The Survey

The survey method is the primary method applied in this research. Questionnaires will be used to gather the necessary data. A large portion of questions will come with a list of responses that will require the participants to tick an option (Fisher, 2010). Questionnaires will be sent to the participants.

Questionnaires will be e-mailed to a mediator in New Delhi, India so as to make it easy for them t be given to the employees of Coca Cola India. It is anticipated that the responses will trickle back in over a month since it's a festive season in India. Employees of Coca Cola, Hindustan will provide the confirmation as to whether they are free to provide responses to the questionnaires set to them. If and after a confirmation is obtained, questionnaires will be issued to the employees.

Case Study

It is important for the researcher to undertake a case study on a company that the researcher is already aware of. This will help the researcher to gain meaningful insight into the Coca Cola Water Stewardship Program undertaken by Coca Cola. The research is focused on the need to preserve water for Coca Cola India.


The study is descriptive. It presents an objective perspective of the occurrences. It could be regarded as a relation of explanatory research. Epistemology and interpretivism is the choice philosophy applied in this research. The researcher may also consider axiology since the focus industry is familiar. Indeed, the Hindustan Wing of Coca Cola company was one of the researcher's clients when he worked as a consultant in HR. Interpretivism is an appropriate philosophy for this research because this research uses qualitative research methods. Epistemology on its part has to do with what constitutes knowledge that is acceptable (Saunders et al., 2009).

Interpretivism treats all humans as part of a cast in a societal life play, and attempts to…

Sources Used in Documents:


Fisher, C. (2010). Researching and writing a dissertation: An essential guide for business students. (3rd ed.). Essex, UK: Pearson Education.

Karnani, A. G. (2013). Corporate Social Responsibility Does Not Avert the Tragedy of the Commons -- Case Study: Coca-Cola India. Ross School of Business Paper, (1210).

Saunders, M., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. (2009). Research Methods for Business Students. (5th ed.). Essex, UK: Pearson Education.

The Coca-Cola Company, (2016). Mission, Vision & Values. Retrieved from on December 8, 2016

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"Case Study And Business" (2016, December 13) Retrieved May 4, 2024, from

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