Game Aesthetics And Their Impact On Life Essay

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Annotation 1: Nguyen's definition of games, like McGonigal's, centers on the concept of goals and rules. However, Nguyen places a stronger emphasis on the role of the game designer in specifying these goals and abilities for the player. He sees this as what makes games a distinctive art form.

Annotation 2: Nguyen also acknowledges the existence of different types of games and playings, referring to "Suitsian games" as one particular form. In other words, not all games fit the same mold. There is an artistic element to design.

Annotation 3: Nguyen's definition of games puts greater emphasis on the aesthetic and artistic aspects of games. He talks about games as a unique art form and discusses the idea of "aesthetic striving play."

Annotation 4: Nguyen does not explicitly mention drawing from the same sources as McGonigal. However, he does reference various scholars and game theorists, indicating a well-researched understanding of the field.

Annotation 5: Nguyen's audience is likely to be more academic or scholarly in nature as the writing has a distinctly academic tone and style.

Annotation 6: Nguyen uses specific game examples like "Sign" to illustrate his concepts. He uses these examples to explore the idea of games as a medium for expressing and exploring agency.

Annotation 7: Nguyen directly references Jane McGonigal's work in his chapter, acknowledging her argument for making life more game-like. However, he also critiques this perspective, arguing that the unique value structures of games can't be easily transferred to real life without potentially changing ones real-life goals.

Annotation 8: Nguyen's use of specific game examples suggests that other games could potentially be used to illustrate his concepts. However, the specific games he chooses are likely selected because they best illustrate the particular aspects of game theory that he wants to discuss at that particular moment.


Nguyen, C. T. (2020).Games: Agency as art. Oxford University Press, USA.

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