Healthcare Leadership & Prejudices Healthcare Article

People are people and should treated with dignity and respect regardless of their race, gender, beliefs and so forth. Even convicted murderers and rapists should not be treated disdain due to their actions because doing otherwise lowers the ethics and standards of the healthcare community that can and should still apply at all times. References

Callahan, M. (2008). Healthcare providers constricted by financial, legislative, and regulatory issues. The Journal of Medical Practice Management: MPM, 24(3),


Cobaugh, D., Angner, E., Kiefe, C., Ray, M., Lacivita, C., Weissman, N., & ... Allison, J.

(2008). Effect of racial differences on ability to afford prescription medications.

American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy: AJHP: Official Journal of The

American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 65(22),...


(2007). Get rid of the for-profits: healthcare can no longer be a commodity for sale to those who can afford it. Modern Healthcare, 37(47), 19.
Nelson, S., & Hackman, H. (2013). Race matters: perceptions of race and racism in a sickle cell center. Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 60(3), 451-454.


Phillips, L., & Phillips, W. (2006). Better reproductive healthcare for women with disabilities: a role for nursing leadership. ANS. Advances In Nursing Science,

29(2), 134-151.

Sources Used in Documents:


Callahan, M. (2008). Healthcare providers constricted by financial, legislative, and regulatory issues. The Journal of Medical Practice Management: MPM, 24(3),


Cobaugh, D., Angner, E., Kiefe, C., Ray, M., Lacivita, C., Weissman, N., & ... Allison, J.

(2008). Effect of racial differences on ability to afford prescription medications.

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"Healthcare Leadership & Prejudices Healthcare" (2013, August 17) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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