Healthcare Management Health Care Management On March Essay


Healthcare Management Health Care Management

On March 2010, the U.S. president, Barrack Obama, signed the Affordable Care Act. This act highlights detailed health insurance reforms expected to roll out from 2011 and beyond (Vlvar, 2011). The provisions of the affordable Care Act started in 2010, and the president stressed on the immediate benefits and changes to the people of America. While people view these reforms as good public relations targeting the elections, the average person wants to understand how the health care reforms affect the lives of the common citizens from 2010 and beyond.

The Kaiser Family Foundation that steers the implementation of the health care reforms provides the twenty one provisions that were expected to take effect in 2011. Over the last ten years the foundation embraced a substantial and effective way of addressing a system that would cater for various populations who are extensively served by Medicaid and Medicare. It has also introduced health politics whereby health provision has been a strategy in most successful elections (Harrington, 2011). The Kaiser Family Foundation provides an outline of health restructuring law that seeks to enhance provision of controlled cost and quality care. The Organization scrutinizes confronts faced by the state in ensuring proper execution of the health reform besides providing a health tracking market research that highlights the views of patients on matters related to health.

The provisions anticipated to take effect in 2011 include the call for the proportion of amount money spent on medical care. The provisions establish that the total amount consumed on medical care must be at least eighty percent of small business and eighty-five percent of large organizations (The White House, 2013). However, the medical loss ratio has been subject to lobbying and discussion as insurers tried to achieve all the reform requirements. By 2011, Medicare was expected to offer free yearly personalized prevention schedules and wellness visits (Gray & Benz, 2013). Novel plans were needed to cater for preventive services without deductibles and co-payments through Medicare (Vlvar, 2011). As of 2011, states were expected to provide community-funded services to the handicapped via Medicaid as opposed to institutional care.

The 2011 reforrms are channeled into enhancing and reducing the cost of health care. The government offers a fifty percent discount on prescription drugs. People who attain the coverage gap gets a fifty percent discount when purchasing Part D Medicare covered prescription drug brand-name (Harrington, 2011). These people are expected to get extra savings on generic drugs and brand-name drugs by 2020 after the closure of the coverage gap. This provision was to take effect on 1st January, 2011 (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2013). The reforms also proposed provision of free preventive care for the elderly. The United States law offers given free preventive services which include personalized prevention and wellness visits for people with Medicare.

The reforms are also channeled into enhancing health care efficiency and quality where the law introduced a novel centering for Medicaid and Medicare innovation that texts novel ways of providing care to patients (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2013). These techniques are anticipated to enhance quality care, lower growth rate in the cost of health care for CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program), Medicaid and Medicare. The reforms also enhance care for the elderly when they leave health...


The 2011 reforms lowers health care cost through establishing novel ways directed to lower costs. This is enhanced through the proposed Medicare Trust fund.
The proposed health reforms taking effect in 2011 increases accessibility to affordable care, in the community and at home. These proposals allow states to provide community and home-based services to the handicapped via Medicaid (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2013). The 2011 proposed health reforms also functions to hold insurance organizations accountable through lowering the health care payments. The reforms also handle overpayments to huge insurance organizations besides reinforcing the Medicare advantage.

Important Components of Health Reform Proposal Taking Effect in 2011

The United States proposed health care reforms restructure the employer-based health benefits besides improving health care for the elderly. The health care reforms taking effect in 2011 are among the greatest attainments ever achieved in politics. People are provided with affordable and accessible health care (Vlvar, 2011). According to a survey conducted by the Kaiser Health Foundation that explored the views of people with health insurance, the findings from the poll confirmed that majority people on America value and support the health insurance (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2013). Seven out of ten Americans consider personal insurance important, but they claim that cost remains the greatest obstacle for the uninsured (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2013). Half of people under 65 years believe that their relations have pre-existing health conditions and as a result, they are not legible for insurance. In this regard the ACA extends coverage to more individuals in need of health insurance, and it is something that a huge majority of American value and want.

The health care reforms taking effect in 2011 stress on the provision of affordable care through offering discounts on prescription drugs, where these discounts creates extra savings on generic drugs and brand-name. These proposed reforms can get support because they cut on health care costs. However, the 50% drug discounts benefits only those enrolled in the Medicare Prescription drug plan or Medicare Advantage Plan (The White House, 2013). In addition high income earners do not get this benefit and as a result, some people may not support this reform as it only applies to a specific group of individuals. To seek support from majority voters, I would redesign this provision to include all people in need of health care. This will help with the provision of universal health care.

The proposed health care reforms enhance health care efficiency and quality through establishing centers that deliver efficient and quality care to patients. These efforts lowers health care for those enrolled in Medicaid and Medicare and children covered under CHIP (The White House, 2013). These efforts satisfy large voter group and hence, the reforms may get a lot of support. Providing excellent care for individuals, coordinating care to enhance health upshots for patients and creating community care models are efforts that warrants support from the majority of Americans . While this provision enhances health care and ensures stronger and healthier communities, it is only applicable to persons beyond 65 years, the disabled and children. As a result, I would redesign this law to include all citizens in efforts of providing universal care. This is because a large number, about 47 million, remain uninsured and cannot access health care despite health care reforms.

The proposed reforms also offer free preventive care for the elderly. This helps in promoting the health of the seniors, and it is only applicable to those with original Medicare and if one gets them from health care providers who accept the task. In addition, one cannot benefit from this program within the first 12 months of enrolling in Medicare (The White House, 2013). As a result, this law benefits those registered for over one year, people above 65 years and the disabled. I would redesign this to include children who just like the elderly are vulnerable to many health issues.

Most of the proposed health care reforms taking effect in 2011 benefit the elderly, children and the handicapped. Through attempting to lower payment errors, corruption, waste and exploitation in Medicare, and Children Health Insurance Program, the reforms can get support from voters and lobby groups. This is because; this trend will facilitate quality of care through preventing risky re-admissions to hospitals. Moreover, increasing access to affordable home-based care that serves the disabled compared to institutional care will garner a lot of support from lobby groups.

The fact that the health care reforms allow for lowering of health care premiums…

Sources Used in Documents:


Vlvar, L.(2011). Obama's health care reform 2010: From change to concession. New York: GRIN Verlag.

Harrington, C.(2011). Health policy: Crisis and reform. Texas: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Teitelbaum, J. (2013). Essentials of health policy and law. New York: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Gray, V., & Benz, J. (2013). Interest groups and health care reform across the United States. Georgia: Georgetown University Press.
The White House (2013). Health care. The White House Washington. Retrieved from
The Henry Kaiser Family Foundation .(2013). Health reform.Retieved from

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