How Nurses Will Shape The Future Of Health Care Research Paper


Reflection Paper: The Future of Nursing (and Me)

The future of nursing is uncertain but the field undoubtedly holds exciting opportunities and challenges. With advancements in healthcare technology and evolving patient needs, nurses are expected to play an increasingly vital role in care delivery. Nurses will likely take on expanded responsibilities, such as providing more comprehensive primary care, embracing telehealth, and contributing to innovative healthcare solutions. Moreover, the nursing workforce will become more diverse, and nurses will continue to advocate for improved healthcare policies and patient-centered care models, ensuring that they remain at the forefront of promoting health and well-being in the years to come. To gain some new insights into these trends, the purpose of this paper is to provide a discussion concerning my future career plans and the importance of mandatory continuing education together with supporting rationale. Finally, the paper provides a summary of the findings concerning these issues in the conclusion.

Discussion concerning options in the job market based on educational level

A BSN degree provides a wide range of job market options within the healthcare field. Nurses with BSN degrees often have opportunities for career advancement, specialization, and leadership roles, making it a valuable degree in the job market. Some of the primary job market options that are currently available to BSN degree holders include becoming a registered nurse (RN), where they can offer direct patient care in various healthcare settings such as tertiary health care facilities, outpatient clinics, and nursing homes (RN vs. BSN, 2023).

Likewise, BSN graduates can also aspire to become clinical nurse specialists that specialize in specific patient populations or medical specialties, frequently engaging in advanced practice roles. In addition, BSN-educated nurses have the opportunity to work as nurse managers, overseeing nursing staff, budgets, and patient care quality in healthcare facilities (BSNs in Clinical Management, 2023). These initial career paths showcase the versatility and impact of a BSN degree in the job market, offering a solid foundation for diverse roles in the nursing profession.

Description of what professional certification or advanced degrees (MSN, DNP, etc.) you may want to pursue and explain your reasons for wanting to attain this education and the timeline for accomplishing these goals

My present plans include pursuing my nursing career by completing the requirements for my MSN degree within the next 2 years. Thereafter, my plans for the future will likely include an advanced nursing degree based on a number of compelling reasons. For instance, fundamental reforms in nursing education are urgently needed to ensure the workforce is prepared to respond to escalating public health crises and...…ongoing education opportunities may hinder nurses from acquiring new skills and staying updated on medical advancements, potentially limiting their ability to provide comprehensive care. This stagnation could also impact career advancement and job satisfaction.

More troubling still, patient safety might be at risk due to outdated knowledge and skills, potentially resulting in medical errors. In addition, healthcare institutions could face challenges in maintaining quality care and accreditation without well-trained, updated nursing staff. Lastly, non-compliance with regulatory standards may affect nurses' licensure status. In sum, continuing education is essential for nurses to stay competent, informed, and capable of delivering safe and high-quality healthcare because its absence could have a detrimental impact on both nurses and patient care.


The research showed that the nursing profession is experiencing significant changes, requiring a corresponding commitment to lifelong learning. By pursuing advanced degrees and mandatory continuing education, nurses can acquire the enhanced competencies needed to address emerging healthcare challenges. The research also showed that ongoing education empowers nurses to provide up-to-date, ethical care aligned with the ANAs professional standards. As I progress in my career, I am dedicated to advancing my expertise through higher education and continuous development opportunities. Nurses who embrace education at all levels will be far better equipped to shape the future of nursing and healthcare in the…

Sources Used in Documents:


BSNs in Clinical Management. (2023). BSNedu. Retrieved from clinical-management/#:~:text=They%20implement%20and%20oversee% 20organizational,experience%20working%20as%20an%20RN.

Cato, D., & Dickerson, P. (2021). Advocating for Change in Board of Nursing Continuing Education Rules. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 52(5), 208–210.

Hynson, E., Bloomer, J., Samson, Z., Price, K., Tran, D., & Muench, U. (2022). Workforce Trends of Underrepresented Minority Nurses in the United States Over the Last Decade: Progress Towards Equal Representation? Policy, Politics & Nursing Practice, 23(4), 215–227.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2021). The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

RN vs. BSN. (2023). Chamberlain University. Retrieved from

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"How Nurses Will Shape The Future Of Health Care" (2023, September 10) Retrieved June 1, 2024, from

"How Nurses Will Shape The Future Of Health Care" 10 September 2023. Web.1 June. 2024. <>

"How Nurses Will Shape The Future Of Health Care", 10 September 2023, Accessed.1 June. 2024,

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