Cognitive Development And Theory Research Paper


Cognitive Development Jean Piage is a luminary as far as cognitive development theory goes. This is because of his contributions in his intellectual development theory. According to Piaget, intellectual development is a continuation of innate biological processes. He emphasizes that children go through four sequential processes of development. These four stages also occur with sub stages within them.

The sensory motor stage: 0 to 2 years; intuitive stage: 2 to 7 years; concrete operations stage: 7 to 11 years; and the formal operations stage: 11 to 15 years (Simatwa, 366).

What "Active Construction of Knowledge and Understanding" Means

A person's way of understanding occurs in five ways that are related. These are referred to as cognition domains. These ways include understanding as a representation, understanding as connectivity between knowledge types, understanding that forms active knowledge construction and understanding as cognition situation. Understanding as a representation refers to owning internalized ideas, systems and symbols. It also entails one's ability to maneuver between and within such systems and symbols in a manner that facilitates problem solving with success. We may view understanding as knowledge structure that is correctly organized and internalized knowledge structure. Ideally, understanding has to do with the links between the different knowledge types. This includes conceptual and procedural knowledge and between symbolic and formal knowledge. Situated cognition knowledge understanding has to do with understanding of statistics which is closely linked to the interplay between the cognitive activity of the student and the social and physical situations (Nitko and Lane 470). Understanding as active knowledge construction refers to the way in which knowledge structures have been acquired and, or developed the process of learning that involves reorganizing and integrating fresh information with knowledge that's already in existence. Understanding statistics has to do with expanding one's knowledge structures or thinking patterns in order to incorporate statistical principles and concepts (Nitko and Lane 470).

The Meaning of Schemata and Piaget's Suggestions


This can be compared to a deck of cards placed in a series and indexed in the brain so that each card bears instruction to the individual on how to react to the various stimuli. When Jean Piaget discussed the development of mental processes of a person, ideally, he was referring to the complexity and number of the learned schemata. Piaget focused a lot of attention on the essence of schemas in the development of cognitive abilities. He also described the development process in their acquisition. A schema is a set of representations of the world in one's mind. We make use of such schemas to respond to stimuli around us. It is assumed that the mind stores such schemas and utilizes them when they are needed. Piaget's schemas appear to be simpler than the ones described here; particularly, the ones utilized by infants. He explained how a child's schema evolves into more elaborate form as they grow (Mcleod).
Comparing Piaget's and Vygotsly's Theories and the Differences Inherent

Piaget's theory of cognitive development described the change in the logical thinking process of children and adolescents. He suggested that children go through four stages of maturation experience. Vygotsky's theory of cognitive development is also commonly referred to as the cultural historical theory. He directed his energies on the role of social interactions and culture. He held that speech is a critical factor in the development of a child's thinking abilities.

Children's basic speech evolves into more complex forms as they grow (Hurst). There are several differences between the theories including the emphasis on the way culture affects cognitive growth. Vygotsky, does not class his theory in stages as Piaget does. Vygotsky, focuses more on the factors that influence cognitive development. There has been criticism against Piaget for underrating the latter. Vygotsky, explores these factors at greater depth. He also focuses on the role of language in the development of cognitive abilities. Piaget also ignored…

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Works Cited

Aleven, Vincent and Koeginger, Kenneth. "An Effective Metacognitive Strategy: Learning by Doing and Explaining with A Computer-Based Cognitive Tutor." Cognitive Science, 26 (2002): 147-179. Print.

Casey, Betty, Jones, Rebecca, and Hare, Todd. "The Adolescent Brain." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1124 (2008): 111-126. Print.

Hill, Patrick and Lapsley, Daniel. "Egocentrism.", Accessed 23 August 2016.

Hurst, Melissa. "Differences between Piaget and Vygotsky's Cognitive Development Theories.", cognitive-development-theories.html. Accessed 23 August 2016.
Livingston, Jennifer. "Metacognition: An Overview." GSE, Accessed 23 August 2016.
Mazarin, Jade. "Piaget's Definition of Egocentrism in Adolescence: Examples and Overview.", adolescence-examples-quiz.html. Accessed 23 August 2016.
McLeod, Saul. "Jean Piaget." Simply Psychology, Accessed 23 August 2016.
McLeod, Saul. "Lev Vygotsky." Simply Psychology, Accessed 23 August 2016.
Zaineb, Aasma. "Emotional Quotient Vs. Intelligence Quotient: What Is Really Needed to Succeed." Commlab India, quotient. Accessed 23 August 2016.

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