Global Warming Subject Environmental Ethics... Use Guide Essay


global warming subject environmental ethics... Use guide essay paper.. The paper include personal thoughts global ethical analysis. 2. The paper: b. Include explanation issue important . c. Explain thinking changed developed subject. Global warming is one of the foremost environmental concerns, an undisputed reality which threatens not only humanity's ethical balance, but has the potential to disrupt the fundamental continuity of life on planet earth. As a response to unrelenting carbon dioxide emissions, the resulting greenhouse effect has recently been accelerating the process of global surface warming to an alarming extent. The present work is directed at delivering an account of the current environmentally-generated ethical issues surrounding this phenomenon, with special focus on understanding the multiple layers of the problem and seeking ethically relevant resolves.

The extended anthropocentric view might be perceived as a prominent prerogative for the aggravation of climate sensitivity. Seeing as human beings have intrinsic value which seemingly motivates promotion of their well-being and interests over any environmental considerations, useful (economical, industrial) human activities justify the negative outcomes on the planet. This utilitarian approach assigns instrumentalism to the exploiting of any pertinent resources, which sustain and improve our general life experience. From this point-of-view, burning of fossil fuels and anthropogenic modifications in land use (deforestation, over cultivation, spreading of urban landscape) are acceptable consequences of modern lifestyle. However, an enlightened or prudential anthropocentric approach might provide a better view in duty for our fellow human beings directly effects a moral duty for the supporting environment, namely practical strategies such as new personal or social policies, designed to prevent ruthless exhaustion of the planet's resources, a process which degrades not only the environment, but also our condition as its primary inhabitants.
Another ethical approach relevant to the issue of global warming is land holism. Supporters of this theory proclaim that all components of a biotic environment possess intrinsic value. However, specific individuals' value is regarded as instrumental and strictly quantified by their common contribution to earth's biotic community, which has to be protected by a set of measures designated to keep or enhance its continuity, stability and integrity. Therefore, humanity's welfare on the whole is based on our individual actions pertaining to the sustainability of our community. A large-scale threat to this welfare, such as global warming, could be counteracted by an enactment of each individual's duty to minimize those endeavors which count as globally harmful. The theory of ecological extension may also be employed to argue in favor of this view, as the presumed fragile balance of the environment is sustained by finely tuned elements, and this equilibrium is endurable through the integrity of their inter-connectedness.

Michael S. Northcott as reviewed by…

Sources Used in Documents:


Smith, Daniel R. "A Moral Climate: The Ethics of Global Warning" (Fall 2009). Anglican Theological Review, Vol. 91, No. 4

Wapner, Paul; Willoughby, John . "The Irony of Environmentalism: The Ecological Futility but Political Necessity of Lifestyle Change" (December 2005). Ethics & International Affairs, Vol. 19, No. 3

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