Human Cloning The Cloning Of Human Beings Essay


Human Cloning The Cloning of Human Beings

Cloning is the creation of an exact biological twin generated from the DNA of a donor. In effect, a person creates an exact copy, with the exact genetic sequence, from their own DNA. While the cloning of human beings has been the realm of science fiction, the creation of sheep clones has pushed the idea of human cloning into the range of possibilities. At present, the idea of human cloning is almost universally repulsive, but over time that may no longer be the case. And with the coming reality of human cloning a number of ethical considerations must be addressed. Leon Kass, in his paper entitled "Cloning of Human Beings," presents a number of arguments against the idea of human cloning including (1) the ethical implications of experimenting on human beings, (2) concerns over the identity of the clone and its ability to remain an individual, (3) fear about the possible "manufacturing" of humans, and (4) the impact of cloning on the family unit. On the other hand, Robert Wachbroit, in "Genetic Encores: The Ethics of Human Cloning," presents a rebuttal to the concerns of those who oppose human cloning and discusses the potential benefits of cloning human beings.



His first objection involves the interpretation of cloning as an "unethical experiment on the child-to-be," not only because of the possible mishaps that can occur, but because a future clone could not consent to its creation. (Mappes 566) Secondly, Kass brings up the idea of identity and individuality, and exactly who is the clone, and what is their relationship with the DNA donor and other family members. Kass also thinks that there could be a problem with a clone's individual identity and whether there would be unfair and unrealistic expectations placed on the clone. Next Kass tackles the idea that cloning would transform the very nature of procreation into a mass production industry. Not only would cloning dehumanize the clones, turning them into a "product," but it could also turn the clone into the "property" of the parent; clones may no longer be considered a new life with human rights, but simply a copy owned by some other person. Finally Kass discusses the impact cloning could have on the family unit and how children are now procreated, or made by mixing DNA from two parents, and therefore a new life form, genetically independent of either parent. There is what Kass describes as the "open and forward-looking nature of parent-child relations," which clones, being an exact copy of someone,…

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Works Cited

Mappes, Thomas and David DeGrazia. Biomedical Ethics. Boston: McGraw Hill,

2001. Print.

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