Prayer Is Uniting Oneself To God In The Word Book Report

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Share Jesus Without Fear

Bibliographic Details

Fay, William, and Linda Evans Shepherd. (1999). Share Jesus Without Fear. Nashville,

Tennessee: B&H Publishing Group.

Summary of the Book

Share Jesus Without Fear by William Fay and Linda Evans Shepherd is a guide for Christians on how to share their faith without having to worry about whether they are doing it the right way or not. The book outlines a simple, step-by-step approach to sharing faith, which includes asking five questions to determine the other person's spiritual condition, having the person read several key Bible verses, and asking what the verses say to them.[footnoteRef:1] The goal is to allow the Holy Spirit to bring conviction as the person reads and thinks about the truths of Scripture. The third step is another series of five questions that summarize the truths of the verses the person has just read, and they call for a decision to receive Christ. The authors emphasize that the power is in God's Word and that it's not about forcing someone to believe but about being faithful and allowing God to do His work. The book also addresses common fears and misconceptions about sharing faith and encourages believers to trust in God's power and wisdom.[footnoteRef:2] [1: Shepherd, Linda Evans, Bill Fay, and William Fay.Share Jesus without fear (B&H Publishing Group, 1999), 32.] [2: Ibid 17.]

Analysis of the Book's Strengths

The book's strengths lie in its practical and straightforward approach to evangelism. The authors provide a solid, step-by-step method that anyone can follow, regardless of their level of theological knowledge or experience in sharing their faith. This approach is empowering and actually really helps in terms of demystifying the process of evangelism. The book also addresses well the most common fears that people are likely to have when it comes to sharing faith. The book does a good job of providing reassurance and encouragement to believers who might otherwise feel intimidated or unsure about sharing their faith. The authors' emphasis on the power of God's Word and the work of the Holy Spirit in evangelism is also a strength, as it shifts the focus from the believer's efforts to God's power and wisdom.[footnoteRef:3] [3: Ibid 42.]

Analysis of the Book's Weaknesses

The book provides a practical approach to evangelism. Is it too simplistic though? It might be argued that the authors oversimplify the process to some extent. The step-by-step method presented may not be applicable in all situations or with all individuals, as people's spiritual conditions and openness to the gospel can vary greatly. Some might dismiss the questions out of hand. Then what? Sometimes ones approach to people has to be individualized at a high level.

The book also seems to place a heavy emphasis on the individual's decision to receive Christ, which could potentially downplay the role of God's grace and sovereignty in salvation. It is true, the authors do recognize the divine part of the Holy Spirit in this mission.[footnoteRef:4] But perhaps more could be said on this. Additionally, the authors address common fears and misconceptions about sharing faith, but there may also be deeper psychological or emotional barriers that some...…soul being lost and a soul being saved. If you can save a drowning man, it is because you know how to swim. If you dont know how to preach, how are you going to save a soul? If you dont know how to save Jesus without fear, how are you going to get the Word out to others? [13: Ibid 140.]

If he says he is not ready, you will need to release him from this conversation, but be sure to give him your phone number if he wants to call you back in a few days.[footnoteRef:14] This quote says to me that this work is not over in one meeting. Sometimes people are afraid of the choice. They are afraid of the Word. They are afraid of the change that is required of them. They need time. Even Our Lord gave them time. He did not demand compliance right this instant. He simply shared Himself and moved on to do the work of His Father. It is beautiful example of how we are supposed to be in this work: we should not demand immediate compliance. That can injure a soul and harm a heart so that it does not receive the Word with open arms, affection and love. The soul must chooseit must not be forced to accept the Word. Be patient. That is what this quote says to me. Patience is an excellent virtue to maintain for this reason. [14: Ibid 162.]


Fay, William, and Linda Evans Shepherd. Share Jesus Without Fear. Tennessee: B&H

Publishing Group, 1999.

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