Components Of A Research Report Dissertation

Its an assignment on applied social research. The five chapters in a research report are the areas to be analyzed. You are to examine the importance of Chapters 1 to 5 of research reports, discussing the value of each chapter and stating the end result. Please use references from 2015 to date. You can break the chapters down to aid better understanding and should have a little introduction and conclusion

Research reports are a critical component to the collective wisdom of society. Here, research allows companies, organizations, or individuals leverage the learnings of their predecessors to improve goods and services. These goods and services will in turn help improve the quality of life for society overall. In many circumstances, research reports allow society to continue initiatives that can not be completed in a single lifetime. By properly documenting research, society is better able to continually improve on the work of others. This ultimately results in an ability to better improve products and services for the benefit of the world. Research also allows society to apply new innovations and learnings to older problems in an effort to reassess prior outcomes or beliefs. We have seen this done on numerous occasions throughout human history. For example, it was once thought that the Earth was the center of the universe. Here, all the other planets, stars, asteroids, and moons revolved around the earth. However this research was challenges as civilization was better able to develop better technologies in which to challenge prior conventions. Here, upon further observation, it was later found that the earth actually revolved around the Sun in a rather predictable manner. Likewise, for a long period in human history it was believed that the world was flat. However, again through research it was discovered that the world was round. Societal history is riddled with instances similar to this as it relates to leveraging research in a manner that would ultimately help benefit society and the world (Adler, 2018).

When reviewing the importance of chapters 1 through 5, it is clear that each chapter is apart of a larger whole. Here, each chapter builds on one another to create a comprehensive research report that is accessible to each reader. As a result, each chapter has it own unique value relative to the others. For example chapter 1 is heavily predicated on introductions and background information. Introductions and background information are critical in relation to the entire research proposal. Not only is this chapter designed to engage the reader, it is also important as it sets the foundation for the entire research proposal. It provides the reader with the critical inputs necessary to critically review the research material within the report. Likewise, the introduction provides a quick overview on the contents of the research proposal as a means of preparing the reader (Babbie, 2018).

The introduction is also important as it provides the research objectives and questions related to the overall subject matter. Research objectives are important as it outlines what the benefits of the study will be for society overall. These objectives vary, but often help to expand critical research elements. By knowing what the overall objective of the research is, readers can better assess the validity of the outcomes while also judging the merits of the research. Likewise the introduction also provides insights into the limitations of the study overall and how improvements...…report. While Chapter 3 described the methodology, the philosophy, the construction of the of the data collection process, and ethical considerations of the research; Chapter 4 provides the overall observations. This portion of the report ultimately leverages the researchers insights to properly determine what they believe the overall outcomes of the research are and how they came to their conclusions. Of all the sections in the research report, this section has the most heuristics and biases within it. Many of the observations are based primarily on the research outcomes but also on the researchers beliefs and psychological makeup. Here, it is important to clearly state when observations are opinions and when observations are factual. This allows the reader to clearly differentiate between the two and draw their own conclusions as to how to analysis and interpret the research findings. In many instances, readers must combine Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 in an effort to draw their own conclusions as to the research outcomes and their overall validity. The presentation and discussion portion of the research report is therefore the section that synthesizes all the information from the prior chapters. The background from chapter 1, the literature review of chapter 2, and the research methods and data collection processes of chapter 3 are all synthesized in this section of the research report. As a result it is important to provide clear and concise observations grounded in facts so that readers can properly interpret the findings of the report (Bhattacherjee, 2019).

Finally, the research report ends with Chapter 5 which is typically reserved for conclusions and recommendations. This section presents and summarizes the findings in Chapter 4. It then provides recommendation to improve overall outcomes based on…

Sources Used in Documents:


1. Babbie, E. R. 2007. The basics of social research (4th ed.). Australia: Thomson/Wadsworth. 576 pages. ISBN: 0495094684.

2. Denscombe, Martyn. 2007. The good research guide for small-scale social research projects. 3rd ed. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press. 360 pages. ISBN: 0335220223.

3. Dooley, David. 2001. Social research methods. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. 385p. ISBN: 0139554289

8. Vogt, Paul. 2001. Review of Social research methods, 4th ed., by David Dooley. Education Review.

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