Cooperation Theory Would Like To Term Paper


In the future, the United Nations is likely to become the equivalent of the World Trade Organization, an institution where conflicts will be solved, issues and solutions will be discussed and implemented globally. Of course, the UN is attempting to reach that level of coordination even today, but in order for this to work, the member countries need to be able to respect the ground rules imposed by an organism of cooperation. The best example of countries giving up part of their sovereign rights (see realism), mostly as we may expect the UN to act in the future, is the European Union. This example is astounding. In the beginning, Germany and France, enemies for several hundred of years and in a continuous battle, not only agreed, after the Second World War,...


As such, they were to become the pillars of the European Union, now comprising 25 states and expecting two more in 2007. Cooperation in this case, as the opposite for the "struggle for power" I have discussed is quite evident and the arguments for it also come from practice.

1. A Brief Guide to Theories in International Relations. On the Internet at

2. Gourevitch, Peter. Robert O. Keohane: The Study of International Relations. On the Internet at

3. Chadwick, Richard. International System Drift: from Conflict to Cooperation. 1996. On the Internet at

4. Understanding international relations -- the value of alternative lenses. Fourth ed. By Daniel Kaufman. Jay M. Parker. Kimberly C. Field.

5. Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko & Ilkka Kainulainen. ANALYSING the CHANGE in LOCAL GOVERNMENT- Perspectives of the Regime Theory and the Growth Machine Thesis. On the Internet at

Brief Guide to Theories in International Relations. On the Internet at

Sources Used in Documents:


1. A Brief Guide to Theories in International Relations. On the Internet at

2. Gourevitch, Peter. Robert O. Keohane: The Study of International Relations. On the Internet at

3. Chadwick, Richard. International System Drift: from Conflict to Cooperation. 1996. On the Internet at

4. Understanding international relations -- the value of alternative lenses. Fourth ed. By Daniel Kaufman. Jay M. Parker. Kimberly C. Field.
5. Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko & Ilkka Kainulainen. ANALYSING the CHANGE in LOCAL GOVERNMENT- Perspectives of the Regime Theory and the Growth Machine Thesis. On the Internet at
Brief Guide to Theories in International Relations. On the Internet at

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"Cooperation Theory Would Like To", 24 October 2004, Accessed.4 May. 2024,

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