Paul And Schizophrenia Essay



The story of Paul is one of a young man who enters college and experiences a myriad of symptoms that leads to hospitalization and a diagnosis of schizophrenia. At first, he has trouble concentrating at school. Then he becomes suspicious and paranoid of others like his friend Ira. Although he kept spiraling out of control, his parents chose to ignore his strange behavior.

This may have been an error because he also began to hear voices. Dr. Kline suggested he spend time in observation at the local hospital. There he felt he should not be discharged and eventually went to a psychiatric facility. The essay discusses Pauls various interactions to understand why the diagnosis of schizophrenia came to be and why Paul did not receive treatment earlier.

The essay considers his childhood, his family reactions to the situations as well as medical professionals and how they implemented treatment for Paul. This is all aimed at providing a recovery-oriented approach briefing to suggest the importance of respect and choice during treatment and the need to assess both for the patient and those around him. Communication is also mentioned because it is important and integral aspect to recovery. Had his parents communicated to Paul that he was acting strangely, perhaps he would have received treatment earlier.

In the end, recovery is a complex and difficult process involving many people. From the patient to the family, to healthcare providers, everyone plays a role in one persons ability to recover. This is why detailing these events and understanding the processes can lead to an overall effective process.

The recovery-oriented approach aims at aiding those in a way that is respectful and accounts for the uniqueness of a person (Rapp & Goscha, 2011). Paul is someone that had a fairly good life and was all of sudden after going to college, unable to complete certain tasks due to poor concentration. This left him with some mental issues due to stress and inability to cope. The approach offers real choices that both empower and support the individual to make their own choices. Paul may want to lead a life pertaining to his beliefs and his desires. For example, early in the story, Paul wished to become an entrepreneur. This is something that he aims to do and idolizes someone like Steve Jobs for being an innovator and independent thinker. Therefore, his recovery should include these...…meant of what he might be up to (Pratt, Gill, Barrett, & Roberts, 2014, p. 7). After being observed in the hospital and then spending a few weeks in a private psychiatric hospital the diagnosis of schizophrenia fit.

Regarding his treatment plan, Dr. Williams wanted to see him, and Dr. Kline wanted him to stay in the hospital for observation. It was not until after he was transferred to the psychiatric facility that he could receive proper treatment. Regarding the responses of these treatment providers, they did not do a good job of properly assessing him. When he spoke to Dr. Williams at first, he could not understand why he was suspicious of his friend. When he spoke to his parents, they willfully ignored his odd behavior. It was not until Mr. Klines suggestion that he saw some progress in his treatment. Pauls parents may have played a big role in him not receiving treatment fast enough.

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