Personal Statement I Am Already A Student Term Paper


Personal Statement I am already a student at California State University San Bernardino, and I plan to begin my masters program in September at CSUSB. I would like to obtain my masters degree in Public Administration for a number of compelling reasons. First, I wish to be a Public Administration major because it is relevant and even vital to my career goals. Ultimately, I would like to have a career as a director in the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), and I know Public Administration is a degree that will serve me well in this goal. I realize this is a demanding goal for my future, and I want to make sure my education prepares me for the challenges ahead.

I would like to work for INS for many reasons. First and most importantly, I feel many of the current INS programs are outmoded and cumbersome, and difficult for many new residents of the United States to comprehend and utilize. I would like to create a more modern and efficient operation that is...


I think a masters degree in Public Administration will serve me well in these aspirations, because it will prepare me for a career in public service, and open up new understanding of just what being a director in the public service sector involves.
Another compelling reason for me to continue my education at CSUSB is my family background. I am happy to admit that I am the first of my family to attend college. Because of this, I want to ensure my future is successful and my education is complete. This is quite important to me, because in the future I want to support my own family in completing their educational goals, so that this trend in my family continues. I am proud to have attained my bachelors degree in (ADD YOUR DEGREE), and I feel that continuing in a masters program will enhance…

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"Personal Statement I Am Already A Student", 23 August 2004, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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