Education Pedagogy Lesson Plan Title Of The Essay

Education Pedagogy Lesson Plan Title of the lesson plan: Integrating English as a second language with food recipe lessons

Class Level: Intermediate or advanced Age Level: Teen-agers to adults

Location / country/city/region:

Estimated Time of the Lesson: 75 minutes

Number of Students: effective for small group activity -- 10-15 or less

The students should understand the format used in making simple recipe.

The students should be capable to reading and following the directions used in making a simple recipe.

The students will be capable of explaining the directions of making a simple recipe to another student.

The students will participate in a hands-on experience of conducting a simple cooking lesson.

The students will experience a new type of food from other cultures


Pictures illustrating simple recipes from newspapers and magazines

Computer projectors

Example of a recipe for overhead for illustration

Packaged food items with simple recipes labeled on the back puffy recipe on wall chart for students to use during the cooking lesson



Learning/Teaching Activities:


Have closure activity arranged for observation purposes. Students will want to know what will happen - what is this all about, and so forth. This will generate conversation pertaining to food, recipes and so forth.


The teacher provides magazine pictures of simple recipes to develop knowledge and discussion about food, the way of preparing it, its appearance from the pictures and so forth.

Instructional Input:

Demonstrate a sample recipe on the overhead. Show and describe recipe format. Allow students help develop key words that they might find in a recipe such as:






Sift together/add

Engage students in defining what they understand pertaining to recipe

Directed Practice:

Add another recipe and provide every student with a similar copy of recipe. They should read and understand the directions and explain to their partners. This is done through group discussion. The teacher directs the discussion to examine for the level of understanding and ascertain correct interpretations (Farrell, 2002).

Independent Practice:

Students are to work in pairs / small groups. Each student is to get a recipe to read and follow the directions. These will help in advancing their knowledge in learning new vocabularies and use of prepositions in communication (Farrell, 2002). These items require very simple recipes. Complicated recipes should be avoided in order to ease understanding. Simple recipe items can entail such things as: Different kinds of food items. The lesson requires reading, understanding and explaining to their fellow students about the recipe. The teacher can supervise the class to evaluate the level of understanding, use of vocabularies and prepositions (Richard-Amato, 2009).

Evaluation of Learning:

1. Verbal in-put, use of vocabularies and prepositions

2. Reading and explaining recipe to their partners

3. Students should read and follow the guidelines of the recipe


Title of the lesson plan: Preparing Food Recipe Lessons

A. Lesson Objectives

In preparing the Food recipes students will:

a) Recognize various prepositions.

b) Describe the procedures of cooking using prepositions.

c) Explain various ways used in preparing the food using prepositional phrases.

Students will be able to:

d) Express what a prepositional phrase is.

e) Explain the fundamental purpose of prepositions in the structure of sentences.

f) Know how to apply appropriate prepositions in prepositional phrases.

B. Lesson Materials (details below)

a) Blackboard, Chalks, Desks, Chairs, A computer and projector

b) Power point

- Lesson Agenda

- Introduction of topic

- List of Preposition

- Definition of preposition and prepositional phrase:

List of Prepositions

Definition of Prepositional Phrase

About, above, across, after, against, along, amid, among, around, at, atop

A prepositional phrase commences with a prepositional and ends with either a noun or pronoun.

Before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, by,

Nouns are: a person, a place or a thing. • with my partner: with = preposition • partner = Noun: the object of the preposition •

Note 1: Prepositional Phrases end with a "thing." For instance: The student looked for the cooking oil

Note 2: The object of the preposition is either an abstract concept like: delight, worship, or peace. Example: She questioned with delight • Note 3: Most prepositional phrases have concrete nouns like: soup, oil, class. Example: I found him in the class

Down, during, for, from, in, inside, like, near, of, off, on, onto, out, outside

Over, past, regarding, since, through, throughout, to, toward, under, underneath, until, up

Upon, with, within, without

b) A pair work sheet - Vocabulary: cooking pan

Phrases: there is a, inside the pot, outside the cooking pan, at the top/bottom, to the right/left



The list of preposition that best suits with the vocabularies include; above, across, against, around, at, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, by, in, near, on, under, underneath, up, within.
C. Lesson Procedures and Activities

Time allocation

Procedures and contents followed

Materials/Text References


Teacher and students' introduction:

1) Initiate conversation: their talking about different cultural foods, names, significance and so forth


Class Introduction and Lesson Agenda

1) Assessment of the syllabus

1) Introduction of today's topic: prepositions

2) Defining prepositions and prepositional phrases

3) application of suitable prepositional phrases power point


Working in pairs / groups / individuals

1) Given the names of cultural foods with a list of preposition,

Each student will describe their recipes to their partners

2) Based on what the second students hear from the first, he or she will come up with the list of what his/her partner describes

3) They then compare the recipes with what was intended pair of the worksheet


Whole Class Activity

1) Each student will come in front of the class individually

2) They will describe their respective recipes, cultural foods using prepositional phrases without mentioning the name of the food they intend to prepare

3) Other students will identify his/her food recipe

Food recipe


Review of Lesson

1) Students analyze the use of prepositions in the process of preparing the recipes

2) jogs their memory on the suitability prepositions

PowerPoint slides


Preview of Next Lesson

1) How to describe other people food recipes using respective vocabularies pertaining to the recipes

D. Lesson Assessment / reflection

a) Assessment: Based on the analytical rubric, I will use observations of students throughout class activities and reactions for classroom activities to find out their level of understanding

b) Testing: students will take a quick review quiz pertaining to their previous class at the beginning of the class. The quiz comes from the materials or activities during class. It will reflect how well students have studied the materials covered in the previous class. The results of the assessment activity are provided to the students in the next lesson. Those who are absent receives zero for the quiz (Richard-Amato, 2009).


Title of the lesson: Describing their partners Recipes

A. Lesson Objectives

Students will:

a) Describe their food recipes and other student's recipes.

b) Describe other student's food recipes.

Students will be able to:

c) Define the recipes of other peoples cultural. Food d) Use phrases like "What… look like? "how sweet, ? "how delicious, ? And "what color.

e) Know how to apply modifiers with participles and prepositions.

B. Lesson Materials (Details below)

a) Blackboard, Chalks, Desks, Chairs, A computer and projector

b) Examine Test Sheet (the recipe on the wall chart)

Students should identify some of the Vocabularies found in the recipe






Sift together/add

Also, students should list some of the Prepositions used in describing those vocabularies.

List of Preposition:

Above, across, by, in, inside, near, on, under, underneath, up, with, within.

b) Power point students should identify the varius cultural food of various people and describe how they are prepared

The list of vocabularies below will help students in describing the preparing the different cultural foods

- Vocabulary



Sift together/add

c) The Food recipe on the wall chart

Students will be able to describe the procedures used in preparing various foods with participles and prepositions

For example:

What procedure requires much attention?

The second procedure

C. Lesson Procedures and Activities

Time allocation

Procedures and contents

Materials/Text References


Review Test

1) The teacher provides the Food recipes and a list of ingredients used

2) Students describe the food and its preparation.

3) Students have to write at least 10 sentences using prepositions describing the food

Review Test Sheet


Lesson Agenda

1) Introduction of Topic: students Learn expressions appropriate in describing peoples the food recipes

2) Grammar: Modifiers with participles and prepositions

Power point Slides


Work in Pairs/groups

1) students should select at least four expressions to describe their food recipes and those of their partners

2) Compare with each other

The food recipe on the wall chart


Whole Class Activity

1) Each student will describe another student's food recipe without disclosing the type of food described.

2) The other students will deduce the student described

Power point slides


Work in Pairs

1) Brief introduction to Food recipes

2) Given the food recipe (each student must be able to describe the procedure used independently

3) Other students will respond using modifiers with participles or prepositions


Review of Lesson

1) Students will examine the expressions that describes the food recipes

2) Remind students how to use modifiers with participles


Preview of Next Lesson

How to use expression in describing things

D. Lesson Assessment / reflection

a) Assessment: Based on the analytical rubric, the teacher uses observation skills to monitor activities during class sessions. In addition, responses from classroom activities help determine the level of understanding for each student.

b) Testing: In the commencement of every class session, students take a quick review quiz…

Sources Used in Documents:


Farrell, T.S.C. (2002). Lesson planning. In J.C. Richards and W.A. Renandya (Eds.),

Methodology in language teaching: An anthology of current practice (pp. 30 -- 39). New

York: Cambridge University Press.

Farrell, T.S.C. (2008). Classroom Management. Alexandria, VA: TESOL Publications.

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