Gay Is Not A Choice Research Proposal


This also becomes clear if we consider other mammals and sexual behavior and orientation in the natural world. On the other and I do not discount entirely the social and social learning theories about being gay. It would be incorrect to argue rigidly against the view that society, culture and social learning play a significant role in being gay. However, what is also very clear from this research is that being gay is predominantly and in the first instance biologically determined.

In the final analysis, while one can continue to discuss for and against arguments in this debate, for me it is just as important to listen to what gay people say about their feelings and situations. As mentioned in the introduction, many gay people state categorically that they 'have always felt different' and that their sexual preferences are internal and innate rather then learned. These are views that I think should also be taken into account in understanding the foundations of being gay.


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Hamer, D. (1994). The science of desire: The search for the gay gene and the biology of behavior. New York: Simon & Schuster.

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Being Gay is not a Choice

Sources Used in Documents:


Brookey, R.A. (2001). Bio-Rhetoric, Background Beliefs and the Biology of Homosexuality. Argumentation and Advocacy, 37(4), 171.


BEgue, L., & Apostolidis, T. (2001). Implicit Theories of Reality and Social Differentiation from Gay People. Journal of Social Psychology, 141(1), 132-134.


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