Healthcare Reform History Of Socialized Term Paper

This is saying that insurance companies must now openly defend any type of unreasonable rate hikes. The last thing is that it helps a person get the most from all of their premium dollars. In other words, a person's premium dollars will need to be spent mainly on health care -- not cost that are administrative. However, now, when it comes to care an individual could possibly be eligible for recommended for something like the preventive health services. Also, when it comes to the no copayment a person will be able to choose the primary care doctor that they desire from their plan's network. Impact of the Affordable Health Care Act on Nursing Profession

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) brings in a huge impact because it promises a broader and more significant part for nurses that are in the health care system. For example, after decades of sponsoring for important reform, the American Nurses Association (ANA) connected to others in commemorating the adoption into law of the Affordable Care Act which took place on March 23, 2010. Now this turns out to be the most significant piece of social legislation ever since the production of Medicare, with numerous provisions that constructed upon the traditional and current strong points of the nursing occupation (Cannon, 2008). Also, the insurance reforms that take place in the ACA cause the system to be reasonable for everyone. At present, children with pre-existing circumstances cannot be deprived of coverage by an insurance company. It has an impact because individuals will not risk losing assistances on account of treatments that are expensive; lifespan caps on insurance coverage are barred; and annual caps on coverage are limited. It has an impact because young adults up to age 26 are allowed to be covered on their parents' insurance plan and this is beneficial because the young adult can either live at home or not or even can be married or unmarried.

The New Face of Health Care

The national conversation approximately health care reorganization focuses persistently on cost bargain. Despite the fact that bending the cost curve is tremendously important, improving quality is likewise vital -- but sometimes given a lower profile -- in today's restructuring equation. Contending with quality challenges has been able to attract a new breed of health care leaders: medical doctor and nurse managers.

Now, with the new face lift, higher quality leads to better results and reduced prices, as stated by the experts. That is why a lot of organizations are putting together Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), combined networks of hospitals, health center, medical doctors, and other providers held answerable for the worth and cost of care for a detailed patient populace, for instance Medicare recipients. ACOs is considered to be the new face because it does new things such as give incentives by proposing bonuses when providers meet quality standards and keep the costs at a minimum (Adomanis, 2013). For instance, providers are getting paid a whole lot more just for keeping their patients in good physical shape and out of the hospital -- just the opposite of the old-fashioned fee-for-service payment arrangement.

Challenges for the Health Care Industry

The research shows that hospitals and health systems will encounter ever more pressure coming into 2014 in order to establish the center skills needed to thrive in a quickly changing healthcare marketplace. One of those challenges is payment for medical services. For example, payers are combining networks and relocating in marketplaces, consequently of the ACA (Japson, 2013). Many people witness these results play out from October all the way through December as doctors were getting termination notices from important health insurers in beyond...


With that said, these moves have impacted thousands of medical doctor and patients, and this drift does not appear to be going away anytime soon.
Table 1 shows the medical dilemma.

Another challenge are the government mandates. One of these is basically convert or do not get paid. Of these, the prerequisite to utilize the ICD-10-CM coding system will perhaps have the greatest impact, for the simple reason that practices not using the new code set will no longer be compensated by third-party payers.

The Prevalence of Doubt

It is safe to say that many view ObamaCare with skeptical eyes. Research shows that the share of Americans who trust that President Obama's health care plan will "make things better" for the middle class, their own families, and the country overall has fallen abruptly ever since last September, underlining the government's formidable public-relations challenge as it arranges to roll out the sweeping legislation's crucial continuing elements (Adomanis, 2013). The newest United Technologies/National Journal Congressional Connection Survey likewise exposed a deep racial split in prospects about the law, with whites far more cynical than minorities that the Affordable Care Act will profit not simply their own families but the nation as a whole. Some have been expressing concern that rising premiums would be driving even more healthy individuals out of the marketplace, generating a rancorous cycle that would crash the new marketplace -- that, however, is improbable for the reason that there are mechanisms built into the law.


It is clear that there are mixed feelings when it comes to ObamaCare. However, it is a big hit because it is affordable. It is obvious that some believe that Obama Care's objective is to provide more Americans access to reasonably priced, quality health insurance, and to decrease the growth in health care expenses in the United States. Others believe that the ObamaCare is a disaster because with the tax increases in the new health care law they believe it will impede a previously immobile economic recovery.


Adomanis, M. (2013). Think Obamacare is Socialized Mediine? Forbes 25 Sep 2013. Retrieved from

Cannon, M. (2008). Does Barack Obama Support Socialized Medicine? Cato Institute 7 October 2008. Retrieved from

Hansen-Turton, T. (2013) Nurse-Led Primary Care is the Real Key to Obamacare's Success., 29 No 2013. Retrieved from

Japson, B. (2013). Doctor, Nurse Vacancies Soar Amid Obamacare Rollout. Forbes 8 Dec 2012. Retrieved from

Kipling, R. (2013). Nurses' Association Approaches Obamacare with hope and concerns. Center for Health Reporting, 6 June 2013. Retrieved from

Muhic, S. (2013). Obamacare making nurses' lives more difficult. The Purdue Exponent, 19 Nov 2013. Retrieved from

Sensenmeier, J. (2013). The Affordable Care Act and New Nursing Roles. 9 Oct 2013. Retrieved from

US Department of Health and Human Services. HealthCare. Viewed 26 Mar 2014. Retrieved from

Wakefield, M. (2010). Nurses and the Affordable Care Act. American Journal of Nursing, Sep 2010-110 (9). Retrieved from

Zajac, a. (2014). Obamacare Subsidies Face Skeptical Appeals Court Judges. Bloomberg, 25 Mar 2014. Retrieved from

Sources Used in Documents:


Adomanis, M. (2013). Think Obamacare is Socialized Mediine? Forbes 25 Sep 2013. Retrieved from

Cannon, M. (2008). Does Barack Obama Support Socialized Medicine? Cato Institute 7 October 2008. Retrieved from

Hansen-Turton, T. (2013) Nurse-Led Primary Care is the Real Key to Obamacare's Success., 29 No 2013. Retrieved from

Japson, B. (2013). Doctor, Nurse Vacancies Soar Amid Obamacare Rollout. Forbes 8 Dec 2012. Retrieved from
Kipling, R. (2013). Nurses' Association Approaches Obamacare with hope and concerns. Center for Health Reporting, 6 June 2013. Retrieved from
Muhic, S. (2013). Obamacare making nurses' lives more difficult. The Purdue Exponent, 19 Nov 2013. Retrieved from
Sensenmeier, J. (2013). The Affordable Care Act and New Nursing Roles. 9 Oct 2013. Retrieved from
US Department of Health and Human Services. HealthCare. Viewed 26 Mar 2014. Retrieved from
Wakefield, M. (2010). Nurses and the Affordable Care Act. American Journal of Nursing, Sep 2010-110 (9). Retrieved from
Zajac, a. (2014). Obamacare Subsidies Face Skeptical Appeals Court Judges. Bloomberg, 25 Mar 2014. Retrieved from

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