How Moses Became A Great Spiritual Leader Annotated Bibliography

Research Paper: Leadership Skills Thesis Statement and Annotated Bibliography

Thesis statement: The biblical account of Moses represents a valuable case study in effective leadership, as he exhibited a transformational and servant leadership style that motivated and inspired his followers to achieve their full potential, while also adapting his approach to different situations; however, his failings, such as his lack of confidence and communication problems, serve as important reminders of the challenges leaders face in achieving their personal and professional goals.

Annotated Bibliography

Arnow, D. (2006). The Passover Haggadah: Moses and the Human Role in Redemption. Judaism, 55(3/4), 428.

The author makes the point that Moses occupies a unique role in the redemptive process, but he was not unique as a leader. In fact, the author claims that every generation has an individual like Moses who is willing to fully embrace the work after overcoming their initial reluctance. This observation suggests that people can grow into leadership roles if they are willing to invest the time and effort that are required to learn how to lead effectively. In addition, the author notes that Moses was a humble man who refused to accept praise that rightfully belonged to God.

Barro, J. H. (2015). Moses: Leader and Liberator. Revista Batista Pioneira, 4(1), 137159.

The author emphasizes that although he was a highly esteemed man of God, Moses was also just a human being who experienced both successes and failures in his capacity as a leader. His leadership was characterized by a mixture of solutions and crises as he navigated the human emotions of passion, anxiety, anger, suffering, and fear. It is easy for modern scholars to become overly idealistic and unrealistic when focusing solely on the success stories of leaders, which is why it is important to study those historical leaders who were humble and honest enough to acknowledge their own errors and shortcomings.

Ben-Hur, S., & Jonsen, K. (2012). Ethical leadership: lessons from Moses. Journal of Management Development, 31(9), 962973.

The authors propose a model for present-day leadership based on the leadership of Moses, the most highly acclaimed leader in Jewish history. By analyzing Moses' journey towards and during his leadership using books 2-5 of the Old Testament, the authors suggest that Moses' leadership characteristics provide an opportunity to reconcile creative tensions between different leadership traits and to apply an ethical model of leadership. Moses' leadership demonstrates how an ethical leader can act under challenging circumstances. The authors acknowledge the limitations of the research and suggest future research could broaden the model through additional sources and test the proposed dimensions of leadership in contemporary workplace contexts.

Capps, D. (2009). Forty Years with Moses. Pastoral Psychology, 58(5/6), 451462.

The author presents a colorful description of the 40 years that Moses spent leading the Israelites through the desert on their way to the promised land. After examining several potential reasons as to why the 250-mile trip took 40 years to complete, the author concludes that Moses wanted his people to fully appreciate the promised land when they finally arrived. Like many other authorities, the author also cites Moses fallibility as a leader in the incident when Joshua returned with a less-than-glowing...…may place a limit on the extent to which Christians and members of other faiths can share their religious views with others.

Lynch, J. A., & Friedman, H. H. (2013). Servant Leader, Spiritual Leader: The Case for Convergence. Journal of Leadership, Accountability & Ethics, 10(2), 8795.

The authors report that the idea of servant leadership, which emphasizes the leader's responsibility to serve and empower their followers, can be further developed and strengthened by integrating spiritual leadership principles. In fact, a leader who embodies true servant leadership should also possess spiritual leadership qualities. This notion is supported by the example of Moses, who is considered one of the earliest servant leaders and was also a spiritual leader. The integration of spiritual leadership into servant leadership can bring about a more profound and sustainable impact on followers. Spiritual leadership emphasizes the leader's focus on the collective well-being of their followers, including their personal growth, meaning, and purpose.

trba, B. (2021). Sight or Skin? Revisiting Deuteronomy 34:7c.Catholic Biblical Quarterly,83(1), 117.

The author makes the point that when Moses reached the advanced age of 120 years, his mental faculties remained sharp (his eye was undimmed), and he was still in good physical health. Nevertheless, Moses was also savvy enough to recognize that he was no longer capable of effective military leadership after reaching this significant age. This is not to say that Moses conceded that his advanced age prevented him from exercising his leadership responsibilities, but it is to say that Moses was humble and smart enough to pass the leadership reins on when the time came since it…

Sources Used in Documents:

Wilson, S. M. (2020). Fear, Love, and Leadership: Posing a Machiavellian Question to the Hebrew Bible. Journal of Biblical Literature, 139(2), 233–253.

The author presents an analysis of various narrative materials and identifies biblical leaders such as Moses who effectively used fear to strengthen their authority. The author references biblical stories to support the notion that people's love alone can result in political chaos. While the idea of fearing a leader may seem contrary to the biblical notion of fearing only God, the author pragmatically concludes that a growing body of evidence supports the idea that the people’s fear of their leader is a crucial element in promoting national stability as well as affirming a leader's authority in both public and private sector settings.

Zivotofsky, A. Z. (1994). The leadership qualities of Moses. Judaism, 43(3), 258.

The author reports that the Torah and Midrash provide numerous accounts of Moses' leadership, but there is limited information on why he was chosen as a leader. The biblical accounts of Moses, however, provide some insights into these attributes. For instance, Moses was a man of action who took the initiative when others were unable or unwilling to do so. Likewise, Moses was also a man of justice who was unafraid to stand up for what he believed in, even in the face of violent threats. In fact, the author concludes that his readiness to act in the face of injustice was Moses’ finest leadership quality.

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