Limitations Of Stem Cell Research The Primary Term Paper


Limitations of Stem Cell Research The primary objection to stem cell research in the United States is based on the belief that commonly held social, moral, and ethical boundaries will be breached in the effort to ensure adequate supplies of embryonic stem cells (Hoffman, et al., 2004; Reeves, 2001) Because of the potential medical and economic implications of stem cell research, executive level governmental decisions have been made regarding acceptable limits for stem cell research (Hoffman, et al., 2004; Reeves, 2001) These limits have changed as the national executive leadership has changed (Hoffman, et al., 2004; Reeves, 2001) Presidents have issued Executive Orders regarding stem cell research that reflect their personal beliefs and the beliefs expressed by voices dominating the American press at any given time (Hoffman, et al., 2004; Reeves, 2001) Representation of stem cell researchers and those who potentially would benefit from stem cell research have been less well reflected in the national debate about how to provide oversight and how to legislate the issue of stem cell research (Hoffman, et al., 2004; Reeves, 2001) What is most often disregarded in the debate is that embryonic stem cells can be harvested from embryos produced in assisted reproductive technology (ART) laboratories to provide viable embryos for women experiencing fertility problems (Robinson, 2007) The debate about whether embryos should be permitted to be developed in laboratories for eventual implantation in infertile women does not attract the attention of the media or particular interest groups to the same degree that stem cell research, taken as a singular issue, does -- but perhaps it should (Robinson, 2007) Given the inconsistencies in the arguments presented by different stakeholder groups with regard to regulation of stem cell research, it is reasonable to expect any limitations placed on stem cell research reflect the actual praxis and not the imagination or rhetoric of its opponents (Robinson, 2007) Embryonic stem cell research that uses stem cells derived from undifferentiated mass of cells called blastocysts -- pre-embryos less than 14 days old -- for in-vitro fertilization shall be considered a viable source of stem cells for medical research to prevent or cure human diseases and disorders (Robinson, 2007)

Part Two -- Argument

The public treats stem cell research as a special ethical and moral case while largely ignoring parallel ethical and moral issues related to the treatment and use of embryos in the practice of artificial human reproduction (Robinson, 2007) Ethical and legal implications exist for extracting new stem cells from embryos, from research performed on descendents of stem cells, from the problem of surplus embryos in ART clinics, and for developing methods of obtaining embryonic stem cells with fewer moral and ethical concerns (Robinson, 2007) The current emphasis on restricting embryonic stem cell research creates a disjoint between press coverage and protests related to other ethically challenging practices that is unduly constraining promising science (Robinson, 2007)

The approximate number of in-vetro embryos that died, were killed, and were eventually discarded by fertility clinics each year runs in the hundreds of thousands (Robinson, 2007) Despite that fact that members of the pro-life movement consider embryos to be human beings, pro-life groups seem focused on the few dozen or so embryos that have been killed through stem cell extraction while inexplicably ignoring the masses of embryos destroyed by ART clinics (Robinson, 2007) Controversy over stem cell research is in part a function of the many different ways that human life can be defined at the cellular level (Robinson, 2007)

Stem cells are a distinct form of human life that contains human DNA, and can exist for a time outside of the human body under very particular and customized conditions (Hoffman, et al., 2004; Reeves, 2001) Three...


In fact, unfertilized eggs can be used to harvest stem cells, but any medical or therapeutic application could only be applied to the woman who donated the eggs for research ("Stem Cell Breakthrough," 2009) The legislation governing stem cell research on embryos (the Dickey Amendment of 1996) lumped parthenogenesis in with embryonic stem cell research -- this, even though no human parthenogenetically activated eggs have ever been known to develop into embryos ("Stem Cell Breakthrough," 2009) The problem has been the insistence on a narrow classification of all forms of embryonic stem cell research which has precluded research on parthenogenesis as a controllable, ethical means for conducting important research ("Stem Cell Breakthrough," 2009)
Parthenogenesis is the term for the spontaneous activation of an unfertilized egg, which can be / has been a source for vital and versatile stem cells ("Stem Cell Breakthrough," 2009) Essentially, this means that a woman's own eggs can be used to harvest stem cells that can be used to improve or cure diseases or disorders she may have ("Stem Cell Breakthrough," 2009) Therapeutic techniques using stem cells derived by parthenogenesis would be limited to women who are not yet menopausal and would not apply to men at all ("Stem Cell Breakthrough," 2009)

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPS cells) are converted from mature cells that exhibit many of the properties of embryonic stem cells, giving rise to research to utilize the iPS cells in the same way that embryonic stem cells might be used (Ertelt, 2009 Current techniques have involved the use of viruses and DNA transposon-based systems to induce pluripotent stem cells, neither of which has yet produced pluripotent cells comparable to embryonic stem cells, but both of which show promise for the development of alternative methods (Ertelt, 2009 Researchers are developing alternative techniques and sources of pluripotent stem cells with the potential to be medically significant (Ertelt, 2009

Part Four -- Response to Counter-Thesis

Arguments for or against stem cell research largely ignore parallel ethical and moral issues…

Sources Used in Documents:


2006 Ballot Measure: Constitutional Amendment 2: Stem Cell Initiative, submitted October 11, 2005. Retrieved

Ertelt, S. (2009, March 2). IPS Cells, An Embryonic Stem Cell Research Alternative, Make Major Advance, LifeNews. Retrieved

Gretchen Vogel (2008, September 26). A New, Improved Stem Cell Recipe. ScienceNOW. Retrieved

Hoffman, D.I., et al. (2003, May). Cryopreserved embryos in the United States and their availability for research. Fertility and Sterility, 79 (5). Accessed at: How many frozen human embryos are available for research? Law & Health Initiative, (2003). Retrieved
Holden, C. (2009, March). A Better Way to Make Embryonic-like Stem Cells. ScienceNOW Daily News. Retrieved
NIH publishes final guidelines for stem cell research. (2000, August 23). National Institutes of Health. Retrieved
Reaves, J. (2001, July 11). The great debate over stem cell research. Time. Retrieved,8599,167245,00.html
Robinson, B.A. (2007). Human embryos and fertility clinics: Are pro-life leaders ignoring the real problems? Religious Tolerance. Retrieved
Stem Cell Breakthrough May Eliminate Need for Embryonic Cells. (2009, March 2). Finding Dulcinea, Retrieved

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