Global Warming: Fact Or Fiction A-Level Outline Answer


C. Global warming and plants

Global warming has direct impact on plants and this is something that will be passed on to human beings and animals. Because of elevated carbon dioxide levels plants normally produce chemicals that help in breaking down cyanide gas and lower the levels of protein.

D. Global warming and the habitat

Areas that were initially arable will eventually become unarable because they would be too wet or too hot to support agricultural activities. Protracted stints of drought can turn fertile lands into deserts with little or no vegetation. Plants and animals that are dependent on such vegetation will most likely become extinct because of global warming. If the droughts persist there may be resultant loss of biodiversity in planet earth. Ecosystems like the coral reefs and the coastal mangrove swamps can therefore easily disappear. Loss of farmland can cause disruption in the food supply hence the possibility of people suffering from famine.

III. Positive effects

Global warming also has some positive attributes and these include:

A. Increased microbial action in the soil

Warm weather accelerates microbial activities in the soil. This makes plants more productive. Strong winds and hotter temperatures which are associated with global warming speed up the spread of plants, pollen, and seeds. This enhances reproduction and the survival of plants in nature...


Thawing and freezing of soil
Less snow cover is often associated more thawing and freezing of soil, the effects of snow on roots of plants is often leveraged by the increase in microbial action that makes the plants to be more productive (Groberman, 2011).

C. Global warming and weeds

Because of warm weathers invasive plants often move to areas with higher temperatures. This movement creates space for other plants that were initially constricted (Groberman, 2011).

IV. Conclusion

Global warming is at times referred to as greenhouse effect. Air making up the atmosphere is made up of oxygen and nitrogen molecules. Trace gases make up the remainder of the composition of the air. Carbon dioxide and methane fall under the category of greenhouse gases. Seventy percent of sunlight that strikes the earth is absorbed by the planet and its atmosphere. Greenhouse gases keep the earth warm. When effects of global warming are illuminated only the negative are focused on in utter disregard of the fact that higher temperatures enhances microbial activities in the soil.


Gale Cengage. (2010). Global Warming. Retrieved February 23, 2013 from



Groberman, A. (2011). Global warming effects on plants. Retrieved February 23, 2013 from

Painter, S. (2013). Is Global Warming Fact or Fiction? Retrieved February 23, 2013 from

Sources Used in Documents:


Gale Cengage. (2010). Global Warming. Retrieved February 23, 2013 from



Groberman, A. (2011). Global warming effects on plants. Retrieved February 23, 2013 from
Painter, S. (2013). Is Global Warming Fact or Fiction? Retrieved February 23, 2013 from

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