Abortion And Economic Strain The Financial Impact Essay


Financial Impact of Abortion and Economic Strain

The economic consequences of abortion are considerable, as they lead to extended hospitalizations for patients, adding a substantial financial burden (Cahill et al., 2018). In Africa and Latin America, the yearly expenditure for treating women who undergo unsafe abortions or post-abortion complications is $159 million and $333 million US dollars, respectively. The economic weight of these treatments is also significant in other regions, such as Bangladesh, where an additional $1.6 million US dollars is imposed on the healthcare system.

Limited studies on the financial implications of abortion care in Asia are available; however, the practices and guidelines for managing pregnancy termination procedures are not vastly different from those in Western nations. Consequently, the cost of these treatments in Asia would place a considerable economic strain on society and the healthcare system. These studies have not been methodologically evaluated, leading to many methods. Therefore, a systematic review of the existing literature on the financial impact of abortion and post-abortion complications would provide valuable insights to relevant stakeholders, raising awareness and facilitating the implementation of effective strategies to alleviate the burden associated with these treatments (Cahill et al., 2018).

Individual Autonomy and Bodily Integrity

We are addressing families and heterosexual couples where partners possess comprehensive sexual education. These individuals understand the implications of unintended pregnancy and utilize advanced contraceptive methods (high-quality condoms, IUDs, contraceptive pills, etc.), yet they still encounter unwanted pregnancies. We cannot argue that any moral authority should judge them, as they seek to enjoy continuous erotic pleasure without contributing to species proliferation. Invoking religious arguments that advocate for unprotected sexuality and relying on Gods will is inapplicable when considering human autonomy, freedom, and responsibility for ones actions. At this juncture, we must reference the Freudian psychoanalytic perspective, which posits that sexuality and pleasure derived from sexual acts are fundamental aspects of human nature, even if they belong to the unconscious, irrational realm by definition. Freud contends that all human behaviors ultimately stem from sexuality (Freud, Bucharest, 1991). Despite the extreme nature of this viewpoint on human behavior, it is essential to acknowledge the significance of sexuality in comprehending...…be even more pronounced if the child is born (Soleimani et al., 2020). The mother may be constantly reminded of the traumatic event. Therefore, abortion may be considered the lesser of two evils, perhaps the only solution, compared to an unwanted pregnancy resulting from trauma.

Preserving Life

This category involves situations where the mother or child may face severe health problems. When the mothers health is at risk, most positions, including religious institutions, converge on the necessity of abortion. However, situations where the fetus suffers from severe malformations that will lead to physical and mental disabilities, are more complex. The consequentialist dimension must be considered: which outcome has less severe consequences? If a child with severe health problems is born, the parents will be devastated, as most parents desire normal children. Normality is defined by what a community accepts as normal (Ismail et al., 2020). Even with the vague concept of normality, certain benchmarks such as walking, eating, writing, reading, understanding restrictive rules of conduct, and completing compulsory education can be established. In these cases, abortion may have less severe consequences and be…

Sources Used in Documents:


Cahill N, Sonneveldt E, Stover J, Weinberger M, Williamson J, Wei C, et al. A Probabilistic Assessment of Trends in Modern Contraceptive Prevalence, Unmet Need for and Demand Satisfied with Modern Methods in the Countries of the FP2020 Initiative 2018

Freud, Sigmund (1991). Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, Bucharest: „M?iastra” Publisher’s House.

Ismail WNAW, Jasmi N, Khan T, Hong YH, Neoh CF. The Economic Burden of Candidemia and Invasive Candidiasis: A Systematic Review. Value in Health Regional Issues. 2020;21:53–8.

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