Christianity Vs. Sikhism Christianity Is One Of Essay


Christianity vs. Sikhism Christianity is one of the most popular religions in the world with more than 2.2 billion people identifying with the religion. This diverse religion has several different divisions of Christianity with the most common ones being Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant. Sikhism is a religion which is unfamiliar. Sikh religion is the fusing of Hinduism and Islam practice and belief. A comparative analysis of these two different faiths, their philosophies towards health care, and their worldviews will be discussed. (Johnson, 2015) (Funk & Wagnalls, 2014) Comment by S. Kessler: What does this mean? Unfamiliar to you? Comment by S. Kessler: These references are floating; what do they refer to?

"Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth" (Johnson, 2015). Based on these teachings, Christians have always been known to help those in need. "Nursing grew out of a Christian worldview, in response to Jesus' teaching and example of caring for the sick" (Shelly & Miller, 2006). During the third-century plague, "The Christians were the only people who amid such terrible ills, showed their fellow-feelings and humanity by their actions" (Shelly & Miller, 2006). Their actions included burying the dead and feeding the hungry. The Christian faith has always focused on loving and obeying God in which he inspired them to provide love and service to other people. Caring for others has become a tradition throughout church history and is still being continued. (Shelly & Miller, 2006)

Sikhism is centered in northwestern India and "was founded by Nanak, a mystic who believed that God transcends religious distinctions. Sikhism stresses the unity, truth, and creativity of a personal God and urges union with him through


The goal of each Sikh is to create a close, loving relationship with their Formless God which is done through meditation. Sikhs pray and meditate in times of illness. "Sikh patients may consider illness to be the will of God, and also believe that God is merciful and benevolent, but one has to make an effort to get well which includes medical treatment" (Mago, et al., 2000). Things such as blood transfusions, organ transplantation, autopsy and genetic engineering to cure a disease are all acceptable to this faith. Male circumcision, abortion, and assisted suicide are no encouraged. (Mago, et al., 2000) Comment by S. Kessler: Not
"James Sire defines a worldview as "a commitment, a fundamental orientation of the heart, that can be expressed as a story or in a set of presuppositions (assumptions which may be true, partially true or entirely false) which we hold (consciously or subconsciously, consistently or inconsistently) about the basic constitution of reality, and that provides the foundation on which we live and move and have our being." (Shelly & Miller, 2006). James Sire asks seven questions to understand a person's worldview. "What is prime reality? What is the nature of the world around us? What is a human being? What happens to a person at death? Why is it possible to know anything at all? How do we know what is right and wrong? What is the meaning of human history?" (Shelly & Miller, 2006). Studying a worldview helps reveal why a person acts the way that they do and helps identify their meaning and views on healthcare. Comment by S. Kessler: This quote within a quote is awkard. Consider changing to own words. Comment by S. Kessler: Good point!

Patterns, themes, and stories from the Bible answer these seven basic worldview questions for a Christian. "For Christians, prime reality is God, who created and sustains all things" (Shelly & Miller, 2006). The nature of the world around us is described in Colossians 1:16 as "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth,…

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