Communication Challenges In The Media And Criminal Justice Essay

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Managing Communication Issues

External environments present a unique challenge for communicators. In order to be effective, they must take into account the needs and expectations of their audience, as well as the surrounding context. Additionally, they must be able to navigate the complex relationships between different stakeholders. The media is a particularly challenging environment, due to its fast-paced and competitive nature. The public also presents its own set of challenges, with varying levels of engagement and interest. Effective communicators must be able to adapt their strategies to these ever-changing environments in order to be successful.

Additionally, in an age where anyone can create and share content online, it has become increasingly difficult to distinguish between facts and fake news. And while the media has always been guilty of sharing inaccurate information, the rise of social media has made it easier than ever for fake news to spread (Posetti & Matthews, 2018). In many cases, the line between what is real and what is fake is blurry, and even well-meaning people can inadvertently share false information. The problem is compounded by the fact that people are often more likely to believe information that reaffirms their existing beliefs. As a result, fake news can quickly gain traction, leading to harmful consequences. In some cases, false information can cause panic or even lead to violence. This is, therefore, one of the biggest challenges of communication with respect to the media and the public.

Communication challenges in criminal justice agencies can include different departments not communicating with each other effectively, or a lack of understanding between police officers and the community they serve. Poor communication can lead to a number of negative outcomes, including the misidentification of suspects, false confessions, and wrongful convictions. It can also lead to breakdowns...…footage without a subpoena.

The media is another area where technology can play a role in facilitating or hindering communication. On the one hand, social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook allow journalists to quickly disseminate information to a wide audience. On the other hand, these same platforms can be used to spread false information or manipulate public opinion. For example, during the 2016 US Presidential election, Russian operatives used social media to spread disinformation about the candidates. As a result, many Americans were left feeling confused and uncertain about what was true and what was false.

In conclusion, technology plays an important role in how we communicatefor better or for worse. As we become increasingly reliant on technology in our everyday lives, it is important to understand how it can facilitate or hinder communication in various settings. Only then can we make informed decisions about when and how to…

Sources Used in Documents:


Dias, C. F., & Vaughn, M. S. (2006). Bureaucracy, managerial disorganization, andadministrative breakdown in criminal justice agencies. Journal of Criminal Justice, 34(5), 543-555.

Posetti, J., & Matthews, A. (2018). A short guide to the history of ‘fake news’ anddisinformation. International Center for Journalists, 7(2018), 2018-07.

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