Effect Of Technology On School Age Children Literature Review


Children Need Less Screen Time and More Play Time


In recent years, there has been a growing concern that children are spending too much time on screens. This is particularly true for younger children, who are now spending an average of four hours a day on devices such as phones, tablets, and laptops. This is a significant increase from previous generations, who spent an average of just two hours a day on screen time (Sigman, 2012; Kugler, 2020). There are a number of reasons for this increase, including the growing popularity of social media and the rise of digital learning tools in schools. However, the most significant factor is the ubiquity of screens in our everyday lives (Zapata, 2020). With more and more households owning multiple devices, it is not surprising that children are spending more time staring at screens (Kugler, 2020).

Why It is Important

The increase in screen time has led to a decrease in the amount of time spent playing with peers. This is concerning for a number of reasons. First, playtime is essential for helping children to develop social skills (Gray & Feldman, 2004). Second, it provides an opportunity for physical activity, which is important for both physical and mental health. Finally, playtime helps to stimulate creativity and imagination (Ailwood, 2003). With less time spent playing with others, children are missing out on all of these benefits.

Need to Study

There is a need to study this issue so that parents and educators of children of the digital age can understand how to address this problem. There are a number of common sense ways to address the issue of too much screen time. For instance, for parents, it is important to set limits on how much time your child can spend on devices each day. It is also important to provide opportunities for playtime by organizing activities with other families or joining a local sports team or club. And for schools, there should be more emphasis on encouraging students to take breaks from screens and get outside to play during recess and lunchtime. And of course there should be more public awareness about the importance of reducing screen time in order to promote healthy child development. However, because this is the Digital Age, not everyone agrees that the problem is really a problem (Sigman, 2012). Therefore, before anyone can address the problem, there needs to be significant understanding of the problem, which can only come by way of a deep understanding of why it is a problem. That means more study on the effects of technology on school age children is needed. Who may benefit from this research are all stakeholders: parents, educators, and the children themselves.

Literature Review

There is no doubt that technology can be a great resource for children in school. But there can also be some negatives to relying on technology tools. For example, if school aged children are constantly using computers or tablets to do their work, they may not be developing important critical thinking, writing and problem-solving skills (Zapata, 2020). They might also have trouble interacting with their peers and learning how to collaborate. And of course, there is always the risk of addiction or becoming too reliant on technology (Kugler, 2020). When used in moderation, technology can be a helpful tool for children in school (Plowman & McPake, 2013). But it is important to make sure that children are still developing the skills they need to succeed in the future (Gray & Feldman, 2004).

Why Play is Important

Play is an important part of childhood development (Ailwood, 2003). Through play, children learn to explore their world, try new things, and solve problems. They also develop motor skills, social skills, and language skills (Gray & Feldman, 2004). Furthermore, play helps children...…other children. Play areas should be safe but also conducive to the needs of children at playi.e., large enough for them to run, mimic, and perform. It is important that play spaces be safe, stimulating, and well-maintained. A playground that meets these criteria will provide children with many hours of necessary activity that can help them to reach their full potential (Gray & Feldman, 2004).

Parents and teachers should be very concerned that children spend less time with technology and more time with other children so that they learn social intelligence, emotional intelligence, and how to govern themselves (Ailwood, 2003). When children spend more time with technology, they are not learning how to read social cues, talk to others, or manage their emotions. They are also not learning how to settle arguments or handle conflict. These skills are essential for success in life. Therefore, it is important for parents and teachers to encourage children to spend less time with technology and more time interacting with other children. By doing so, they will learn the skills they need to be successful in life.


Technology may be having a negative effect on school-age children. Because children today are digital natives and are so used to having technology at their fingertips, they may have difficulty paying attention in class or completing assignments that do not involve screens. In addition, they may have trouble interacting with their peers and develop social skills. While there is no easy solution, it is important to be aware of the potential downside of technology in the classroom and take steps to mitigate it.

The real problem with all this screen time is that it leaves less time for kids to interact with each other face-to-face. Andhuman interaction is essential for development. Unstructured time spent playing with others where there are no rules and no winners or losers may sound simple but it requires children to use their imaginations and…

Sources Used in Documents:


Ailwood, J. (2003). Governing early childhood education through play. ContemporaryIssues in Early Childhood, 4(3), 286-299.

Gray, P. & Feldman, J. (2004). Playing in the zone of proximal development: Qualities of self-directed age mixing between adolescents and young children at a democratic school. American Journal of Education, 110(2), 108-146.

Kugler, L. (2020). Are we addicted to technology?. Communications of the ACM, 63(8), 15-16.

Zapata, A. (2020). The Internet is turning us into sleepy, anxious, dumb narcissists. Retrieved from https://uxdesign.cc/the-internet-is-turning-us-into-sleepy-anxious-dumb-narcissists-137dc290aa0d

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