Identifying Personal Strengths And Mission Essay


Flower Exercise


As Bolles states in "What Color is Your Parachute? 2022," "the key to a happy and fulfilling future is knowing yourself" (p. 23). For that reason, I have completed the Flower Exercise, and have gained valuable insights into my preferences, strengths, and passions. These discoveries will inform my career plan, helping me find a first career position and better positions that align with my goals, values, and interests. This paper describes what I have found and why I believe it is important.

First Petal

In the first petal of the Flower Exercise, I identified the types of people I enjoy working with, which include creative professionals, researchers and academics, innovators and entrepreneurs, social workers and counselors, and environmentalists. These individuals are categorized under various Holland Codes, such as Artistic, Investigative, Enterprising, Social, and Realistic. This is a wide range of categorizations and suggests that I like being part of a diverse group of peoplewhich is true, as I feel most comfortable when I have a lot of perspectives on things. If I can understand my preferences for collaborating with diverse and like-minded individuals, I can focus on finding a first career position and better positions in the future that involve working with people who share my passions and values. This will ultimately help to contribute to my having a fulfilling and engaging work environment, in turn also informing my career plan by paving the way for opportunities in fields that attract diverse types of professionals.

Thus, from this exercise, I learned that my first career position should involve collaborating with diverse groups of people, particularly those who share my passion for creativity, innovation, and social impact. This will help me better position myself for a fulfilling career and inform my career plan by seeking opportunities in fields that are open to a broad range of types.

Second Petal

When considering my favorite working conditions, I identified the following factors as important to me: flexible working hours, a diverse and inclusive work environment, opportunities for personal and professional growth, collaborative teamwork, and sustainable and environmentally-conscious practices. As I recognize these preferences, I can better see what my priorities are when searching for my first career position and when I consider possible alternative positions in the future. I can also reflect on them to see whether focusing on specific factors will enable me to find an organization that aligns with my values and that will be a positive work culture for me. Additionally, it is most likely going to be the case that if I take these working conditions into account while planning my career, I will probably have a better chance of obtaining a high degree of job satisfaction.

Third Petal

In the third petal of the Flower Exercise, I identified my favorite transferable skills, which include effective communication, problem-solving, project management, leadership and teamwork, emotional intelligence, creativity and innovation, adaptability, time management, research and data analysis, and conflict resolution. These skills show that I am versatile and marketable. For instance, I have a diverse set of skills that increases my marketability and makes me stand out from other...…prioritizing my preferred working conditions, transferable skills, and fields of interest will help me find a fulfilling career path. If I focus on these aspects, I can ensure that my chosen profession aligns with my strengths, preferences, and passions, leading to greater job satisfaction and success in the long run. Thirdly, considering my salary requirements and level of responsibility will guide me towards positions that offer financial stability and personal growth. I will be sure to keep these factors in mind so I can strike a balance between my monetary needs and my desire for professional development, ensuring that my career choices support my overall well-being and quality of life.

I also learned that geography plays a significant role in my career plan, as finding a location that meets my personal and professional needs is crucial for my happiness and well-being. I aim to prioritize geographical factors such as access to nature, diverse communities, and a strong job market; that way I can create a more balanced and fulfilling life, both inside and outside of work. Plus, I learned that my career choices should align with my purpose in life, ensuring that I make a meaningful impact and find fulfillment in my work. This means that if I focus on my goals and missions, I will definitely be more likely to pursue opportunities that resonate with my values and passions, ultimately leading to a more rewarding and impactful professional journey. Overall, the Flower Exercise has provided me with a greater understanding of my preferences, values, and goals, enabling me to make…

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"Identifying Personal Strengths And Mission", 08 May 2023, Accessed.17 May. 2024,

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