Tone Of This Question Uncomfortable, Term Paper


On a much lower level, Jose needs practice in composition writing to improve his writing skills. Ivan's speaking ability might be helped if he could give more presentations on simple subjects in class, to allow him to grow more comfortable speaking. Nikolas is clearly a talented student, but he suffers the difficulty of not being fluent in the language of instruction. His primary challenge may be that he understands the material, but his English cannot convey this to others. Because their comprehension and academic background is not as strong, the other two boys need added aid in language instruction and understanding basic science concepts in English, unlike Nikolas.

Nikolas is funny, charming, intelligent, and has much to offer intellectually, provided people take time to listen to him. Jose and Ivan add important cultural enrichment to the classroom, and students themselves may be able to better understand the material, if Ms. Dolic asks them to explain the lesson to the boys, and assigns fluent English speakers the task of helping explain scientific concepts in basic layperson's terms to the boys.

By forcing Ms. Dolic to render her lesson plans in the simplest terms possible, to be comprehensible to ELL students, even students who are not ELL but who struggle in science may benefit. To raise Nikolas' confidence, she could even ask him to help English language natives who are less gifted in science, which would force him to make new friends, use his extroverted character in English, and force him to practice his English.

Discussion Questions

Case 11

Although Americans learn both American and world history in their classrooms, all history is inevitably slanted towards the American point-of-view. The American Revolution is taught differently in a British classroom, for example, as the reasons for the war are presented in terms of 'pro and con' rather than merely as a fight for freedom. An African-American student may feel very uncomfortable in a Southern classroom...


Students like to think that teachers have all of the answers, but although teachers may hold the authority of the podium and the grading pen, they are human beings, and they teach history authored by human beings who can make mistakes or have biases. This can be difficult for students to understand, because most students are taught to obey their teachers and the teacher is assumed to always be 'right'.
The hidden curriculum is the attempt to instill all students, consciously or unconsciously, with the same values and beliefs. Although some common culture and belief structure is necessary for a nation, any nation to have a sense of identity, and it is the responsibility of the public school system to educate a nation's citizens, the hidden curriculum cannot be so oppressive that it denies the possibility of debate and opposing viewpoints.

Discussion Questions

Case 12

The fact that Jozef was going to be mainstreamed was testimony to his ability to learn quickly. In an enrichment program, although he might start at a deficit of English vocabulary words in relation to his peers, Jozef had obviously demonstrated a great capacity and willingness to learn.

Administrators, the school board, guidance counselors, the school psychologist, outside counselors and therapists that can do additional testing, are all possible advocates.

Teachers could have assigned Jozef additional assignments to challenge him, and to further build up his vocabulary in English. She could have asked him to ask as kind of a surrogate teacher, helping her cover subjects that he might have greater personal experience with, such as the history of his nation. She could also give him greater flexibility in assignments and allow him to pursue independent research projects.

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