Correct Focus Needed For US To Effectively Help The Poor From Poverty Essay


Rethinking Development The State, the market, and the societal forces all have a role to play towards improving the lives of the citizens. In as much as entrepreneurs and government institutions would always endeavor to improve their economic performance, they should also make an undertaking to ensure that social services are provided to the citizens. The state in particular has to ensure that it puts in place governance structures that work for the citizenry. It should ensure that health services, education, and security become its top priority (Allchin, 2013). The state should pass legislations that makes doing business less expensive. In that way private sector entities would have the capacity to engage in large-scale export oriented industrialization. This may be a ticket out of poverty for its citizens who may get gainful employment from these industries. Countries where people are economically empowered are less likely to experience high child mortality rates. Household poverty is also reduced especially when women have access to employment and education. These women can make long-term investment decision decisions like sending their children to school or saving.

Democratic governance is essential poverty alleviation. However, poverty in countries where democratic governance is practiced can only be eliminated when the performance element is integrated (Boato, 2007). Credible economic and political institutions that facilitate vibrant and productive economic activities leading to growth and development have to be instituted. State institutions have to be accountable and responsive (Boato, 2007). Democracy should be deepened and be made to deliver the desired benefits of social and economic well-being. Countries caught in widespread poverty should embrace good governance. In this way, they would establish credible institutions with transparent rules that are known, internalized, and enforced. Quality of economic and political institutions determines and affects the capacity of less developed countries to ensure economic diversification, transformation, growth, and development. With good governance the people have rights to own property and do business. It ensures that there are no expropriations (Boato, 2007). People are assured of the government's enforcement of the rules of the game. Honoring of contractual obligations is also predictable. Institutional credibility, in essence...


A government that creates an environment where rules and contractual obligations are adhered to attracts the participation of private sector entities whose participation is integral in poverty eradication. Good governance also ensures that there are no administrative bottlenecks that breed an atmosphere of corruption and indiscipline which are sworn enemies of socio-economic development. Institutional credibility ensures that there is no suspicion by the society especially the entrepreneurs about the implicit and explicit actions of the authorities. State systems lacking institutional credibility have perennial problems that relate to allocation and definition of property rights (Boato, 2007). There are also rampant discretionary actions by state actors. State institutions must work to sustain the wishes and aspirations of the citizens. In order to alleviate poverty, the state input has to be in synergy with the actions initiated by the civil society organizations. Sidelining civil society organizations only serves to aggravate the dire situation. This underscores the importance of building institutional mechanisms (Boato, 2007).
Financial system help in alleviating poverty among the poor as was witnessed in Bangladesh whose financial sector is not very much exposed to the world. This has made it survive the tide of global financial crisis (Allchin, 2013). Major world financial institutions like the World Bank have a responsibility to the world citizens. The World Bank has come up with a raft of measures meant to cushion Latin American countries against sinking into poverty. Such measures include fiscal discipline, redirecting public expenditure policies, and tax reforms. Interest rate liberalization or in broader sense financial rate liberalization can also help in alleviating poverty among the poor. Interest rate liberation should come after financial liberation has been instituted so that it provides a constraint on gambling for redemption. Governments should desist from directing credit to particular industries. It should allow market to determine the allocation of credit (Williamson, 1999). The World Bank is of the opinion that Latin American countries have firmly fixed or freely floating exchange rates as opposed to competitive exchange rate. Latin American countries should also embrace trade liberalization. Trade liberalization enables the countries involved to get the badly needed foreign exchange that can be used in importing goods that can be used in bettering the lives of the common…

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References List

Allchin, J. (November 20, 2013). Parochial Progress. New York Times.

Boato, A. (2007). Ghana: One Decade of the Liberal State. Dakar: Codesna Books.

Collier, P. (2007). The Bottom Line: Why the Poorest Countries are failing and what can be

done About It. New York: Oxford University Press.

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"Correct Focus Needed For US To Effectively Help The Poor From Poverty", 11 December 2013, Accessed.19 April. 2024,

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