Education And Sociology Over The Last Several Essay

Education and Sociology Over the last several years, the education system has been continually facing a variety of challenges. This is because many schools are lagging behind in academic achievement in comparison with most developed nations. To make matters worse, teachers are not creating an environment that will help students to learn the social skills they need to survive inside the society and the workplace. This makes it harder for them to adapt with various challenges they are facing and how to adjust with them. (Gerwitz)

As a result, sociology plays an important part in determining the quality of education everyone is receiving and the skills they will need to be successful over the long-term. To fully understand the significance of these concepts requires focusing on how this field of study will have a direct impact upon the way students learn and understand the world around them. This will be accomplished by studying the book Sociology in Our Times and how its concepts are relevant in the field of education. Together, these elements will highlight the way social influences and education is working to shape who the person will be in the future. (Gerwitz)

Sociology in Our Times and the Impact it is having on Education

Sociology is an important factor that goes in direct correlation with the field of education. This is because the experiences we have with others will directly shape who someone becomes and their role in society. During childhood, this is crucial factor which is teaching everyone the most effective ways to interact and understand the world around them. As they learn these skills, different insights are used to transform how they see themselves and what practices are embraced during the process. (Kendall)

According to Kendall (2012), this is a critical element in deciding how someone looks at their situation and the impact it is having on them. Evidence of this can be seen with her saying, "Socialization is most crucial during childhood because it is essential for the child's survival and for human development. The many people who met the early material and social needs of us were central in establishing our own identities. This is when we acquire sophisticated cognitive tools for thinking and analyzing a wide variety of situations. At the same time, we learn effective communication skills and how to connect with the world around us. This is a part of a sophisticated process that takes place throughout the course our lives. That will have an effect on other people who watch us." (Kendall)

These insights are showing how socialization is a critical element of the learning process which continues over the course of everyone's lives. This means that the way other people see someone will have an influence on their behavior. Moreover, there are various individuals such as role models that will shape how a person behaves and the way they react to various transformations. (Kendall)

As everyone becomes older, is the point, these ideas are utilized as foundation for understanding social changes and the influences it will have on their lives. For example, with the exception of reflexes, everything someone will do is based upon social influences in their lives. When a person cries, it is from views and emotions they have learned about the feelings of hurt and the most appropriate way to react. The way a person brushes their teeth, takes a shower or cleans their house is directly linked to social behaviors. That is learned at some point in their lives. (Kendall)

In the field of education, this is illustrating how social influences will have direct...


This occurring through perceptions of other students, how they react to the information and the views of authority figures (i.e. teachers / administrators). These ideas will determine the way someone's biological and emotional needs are addressed over the long-term. (Kendall)
For example, Kendall (2012) found that socialization is a continuing process which is evolving over the course of person's life. Inside the field of education, these influences will shape and reshape who they become. In many cases, educators will play a central role in helping everyone to understand these various interpretations. (Kendal)

This is because they will spend significant amounts of time with students and offer them insights about how to effectively interact and view the world around them. At the same time, their position as an authority figure will have a direct effect upon who they are and the kinds of social attitudes that are embraced. This is the point that these different interpretations will be continually evolving based upon what they learn and their relationship with the teacher. (Kendal)

In most situations, these attitudes and ideas will become a part of their core personality and opinions on a host issues. While at other times, negative perceptions of the teacher will shape the student's beliefs about: who they are, their views on education and authority figures. These changes will lead directly to how the student sees the world around them and reacts to various events they will encounter. In the future, these ideas will influence their beliefs and it shapes the overall amounts of confidence they have in their abilities. (Kendal)

At the same time, Kendal determined that education will have an influence on race, ethnicity and gender. This is because social perceptions about a particular group will influence how they see themselves and identify with different events. In the field of education, this can offer students with the ability to have a sense of empowerment about what is happening in their lives. They can use these insights to build their sense of self-worth and understanding of who they are. (Kendal)

Education plays a central role in the process, in teaching the individual their cultural or gender identity and what it means to the person. For instance, many educators will discuss the challenges that minorities faced throughout the course of history. The ability to show how this impacts them, will determine if they seem themselves in a positive or negative light. In some cases, this leads to perceptions about the person feeling as if they are a part of a group who is special (from overcoming various challenges). (Kendal)

While at other times, this will effect if the person feels ashamed or believes they are victim. In the future, the way the educator presents these ideas will shape their political views and how they see the world around them. This is the point when everyone's social beliefs will be transformed over the long-term. Education is playing a central role in the process by building upon these ideas or introducing new points-of-view. (Kendal)

As the individual goes through the course of their education, there will be continuing changes in social beliefs. This is because new ideas are introduced that are reshaping their opinions and perceptions about what is acceptable. During the course of their lives, each person will evaluate and reevaluate the ideas of the past. This will cause them to change their opinions about themselves, who they are and the way they interact with the world around them. (Kendal)

For example, those students who go to college could see a shift in their beliefs. This can occur with educators introducing new ideas that will question what they learned in the past. At the same time, other students can be a major influence by showing them how particular social norms that were once taboo are now acceptable. This can lead to shifts in the way a person sees themselves and the social practices they are embracing. When this happens, there will be a major transformation in beliefs and ideas about who they are. (Kendal)

As the person becomes older, these ideas will continue to evolve. This is because the experiences they have from learning new concepts on their own will determine who they are. These changes will take place based upon…

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Works Cited

Gerwitz, Sharon. Understanding Education. Malden: Point Press, 2009. Print.

Kendall, Diana. Sociology in Our Times. Belmont: Wadsworth, 2012. Print.

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