Is Substance Abuse Related To Adolescence Trauma Essay



Substance abuse among children and adolescents is a growing concern, with studies showing that alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis are the most commonly used substances among this age group. The Adverse Childhood Experiences study has shown a correlation between traumatic experiences and the likelihood of substance use in adolescence or adulthood (Hunt, Slack, and Berger, 2017; Heradstveit et al., 2020). This paper will explore the signs and symptoms of substance abuse in children and adolescents, the addiction's etiology, and the systemic and environmental factors that affect human development and behavior. The article will also discuss ethical and culturally relevant strategies for promoting resilience and optimum development and wellness. It will provide evidence-based counseling strategies and techniques for prevention and intervention concerning substance use in adolescents.

Signs and Symptoms of Substance Abuse in Children and Adolescents:

Substance abuse among adolescents is a concerning issue highlighted in recent studies. Adolescents are found to be particularly vulnerable to substance use, with alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis being the most commonly used substances. The UN drug report has shown a drastic increase in the use of cannabis among adolescents in the last decade, with a significant proportion perceiving it as not harmful (Hunt, Slack, and Berger, 2017; Nebhinani and Singh, 2022).

Furthermore, the Monitoring the Future study in the United States indicates that alcohol is the most widely used substance among adolescents, with over 50% of 18-year-olds reporting lifetime alcohol use. Cannabis and cigarettes also have a significant presence among this age group, with 45% and 31% of adolescents reporting their use, respectively. The Health Behavior in School-aged Children survey for European nations and Canada also shows a high number of current alcohol and tobacco users among 15-year-olds. One in five 15-year-olds (20%) have reported being drunk twice or more in their lifetime, and almost 1 in 7 (15%) had been drunk in the last 30 days (Nebhinani and Singh, 2022). Additionally, according to literature from the United States, e-cigarettes or vaping is also prevalent among adolescents as a mode of tobacco use. This information is crucial to be aware of and to take necessary actions to address the issue of substance abuse among adolescents (Nebhinani and Singh, 2022; Heradstveit et al., 2020).

Etiology of Addiction

In recent years, the etiology of addiction has been widely studied, particularly regarding substance use among children and adolescents. Studies have shown that gender plays a role in substance use, with girls being more likely to drink risky amounts of alcohol while boys tend to engage in regular binge drinking. Additionally, regular smoking and cannabis use is higher in boys than in girls. It is also observed that with increasing age, the use of all three substances (alcohol, cigarettes, and cannabis) becomes more frequent (Frobel, Grafe, Meigen, et al., 2022).

The connection between socio-economic status and substance use during childhood and adolescence is unclear. However, studies have consistently shown that cigarette use is more prevalent among individuals from lower socio-economic backgrounds. Additionally, research has found that substance use, particularly cannabis, alcohol, and cigarettes, can lead to behavioral and psychological issues in adolescence and young adulthood. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder also increases the likelihood of alcohol and cigarette use...…and help them to reach their full potential (Hunt, Slack, and Berger, 2017).

Prevention and Intervention

In this section, we highlight four evidence-based programs for preventing and intervening in substance use among adolescents: Functional Family Therapy (FFT), Lifeskills Training (LST), Positive Action (PA), and Good Behavior Game (GBG). FFT is a selective program targeting at-risk adolescents referred by various systems and has a predictability rating of 100%. LST is a universal program for middle school students that teaches personal self-management, social skills, and drug resistance skills and has a predictability rating of 63%. PA is a universal program that focuses on positive actions leading to positive feelings and has a predictability rating of 94%. GBG is a universal program that rewards appropriate behavior in the classroom and has a predictability rating of 76%. PFS is a targeted program for at-risk middle school-aged children to reduce problem behavior and drug use by improving family management and communication skills (Hsiung, Patel, Hundal, et al., 2022).


In conclusion, substance abuse among children and adolescents is a concerning issue that requires attention and action. Understanding the signs and symptoms of substance abuse, the etiology of addiction, and the systemic and environmental factors that contribute to it is crucial in addressing this issue. By promoting resilience and optimum development, and wellness and utilizing evidence-based counseling strategies and techniques for prevention and intervention, we can reduce the prevalence of substance abuse among children and adolescents. Lastly, it is important to be aware of Adverse Childhood Experiences' negative impact on substance abuse in adolescence and adulthood and to offer support and healthy…

Sources Used in Documents:


Frobel, W., Grafe, N., Meigen, C. et al. ((2022)). Substance use in childhood and adolescence and its associations with quality of life and behavioral strengths and difficulties. BMC Public Health 22, 275.

Heradstveit, Ove & Gjertsen, Nathalie & Iversen, Anette & Aasen Nilsen, Sondre & Askeland, Kristin & Christiansen, Øivin & Hysing, Mari. (2020). Substance-related problems among adolescents in child welfare services: A comparison between individuals receiving in-home services and those in foster care. Children and Youth Services Review. 118. 105344. 10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105344.

Hsiung H, Patel K, Hundal H, et al. (2022). Preventing Substance Abuse in Adolescents: A Review of High-Impact Strategies. Cureus 14(7): e27361. DOI 10.7759/cureus.27361Hunt, T. K. A., Slack, K. S., & Berger, L. M. (2017). Adverse childhood experiences and behavioral problems in middle childhood. Child abuse & neglect, 67, 391–402.

Nebhinani N, Singh P. (2022). Substance Use Disorders in Children and Adolescents. Journal of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health;18(2):128-136. doi:10.1177/09731342221096503World Drug Report. (2021). (United Nations Publication, Sales No. E.21.XI.8).

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