Environmental Changes The Physical Environmental Term Paper

The growing population has a great impact on the extent of global warming and its consequences for society, economy and the environment. This means that there is rising in greenhouse emission, more people means more industry. Scientists worry about the emission from developing countries which may contribute to global environment problems even sooner than expected. But not only the developing countries contributes to the emission but also rich industrialized countries have been putting carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere for many years now. "20% of the world's population can not continue to indiscriminately pollute the atmosphere at the expense of the majority" (M. Glantz 2005). Rich industrialized countries contributes a higher percentage of emission at the atmosphere that increases the environment's temperature of global warming and results to change of weather pattern to different regions. "Africa's contribution to the increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases has been minimal, yet according to the IPCC, Africa is the most vulnerable continent to climate change as widespread poverty severely limits its capabilities...


This only explains that in comparison Africans are poor and have a very few resources to support their basic needs like food and water, these people are more affected by climate change and can not cope up with this global warming problem.
The global warming is a world's issue that being debated for several years now and needs to be resolved. The Earth's ability to provide food and energy is finite and requires the help of the world's people, industrial leaders and environment experts. According to Norwegian Prime Gro Harlem Brutland, "The world is warming up, and we know that the issue is to be able to act quickly enough to avoid dramatic consequences that are also irreversible without sufficient action." This is an ecological issue that needs to be tackled by world leaders, how to combat global warming and how to develop zero emission power plants and clean coal technologies. Powerful world leaders stated support carbon segregation to remove greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the atmosphere natural gas should be used and not flared into atmosphere.

On spatial analysis, based on the photograph of this article taken in 1928, the ice of Upsala Glacier in South American Andes in Argentina is shrinking at least 180 feet from 1928 to 2004 which is a very alarming structural change. Different regions are likely to experience some adverse effects of climate. This change is a serious environmental problem that needs ample attention. People regardless of race and status must do something to mitigate the uncontrollable situation. Each of us is responsible for our actions; let's act now before it's too late.


Glantz.H. (March 2005) Climate Change Global Warming and Sub-Saharan Africa. Fragile Ecologies. Retrieved on May 03, 2008, from website: http://www.fragilecologies.com/mar02_05.html. s

Global Warming. Natural Resources Defense Council. Retrieved on May 03, 2008, from website: http://www.nrdc.org/globalWarming/qthinice.asp

Klueger J. (2008). Global Warming Heats Up. Time Magazine. Retrieved on May 03, 2008, from website, www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1176980,00.html

Sources Used in Documents:


Glantz.H. (March 2005) Climate Change Global Warming and Sub-Saharan Africa. Fragile Ecologies. Retrieved on May 03, 2008, from website: http://www.fragilecologies.com/mar02_05.html. s

Global Warming. Natural Resources Defense Council. Retrieved on May 03, 2008, from website: http://www.nrdc.org/globalWarming/qthinice.asp

Klueger J. (2008). Global Warming Heats Up. Time Magazine. Retrieved on May 03, 2008, from website, www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1176980,00.html

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