How Christian Worldview Informs Health Care Research Paper


Christian Worldview and Personal Inventory


From the Christian perspective, spirituality and ethics are grounded in the belief in an absolute truth and moral order as determined by God. Christianity views spirituality and ethics as integral aspects of healthcare, given its understanding of human beings as both physical and spiritual entities. The Christian faith prescribes an absolute moral code, derived from the teachings of the Bible, which stresses the sanctity of life, the inherent dignity of every individual who is made in the image and likeness of God, and the mandate to do no harm (Brown, 2022). In healthcare, this translates into a compassionate, patient-centered approach. Treatment is not just about curing physical ailments; it is also about providing spiritual comfort and healing, often through prayer or the provision of pastoral care.

In contrast, postmodern relativism sees truth and morality as subjective and culturally determined, which can lead to a more individualistic approach in health care (Perez-Lopez & Perez-Lopez, 2022). Postmodern relativism holds the view that truth is a social constructwhich ultimately means that truth and reality are whatever one person says it is. There is no ground upon which everyone can stand firm because objective truth is undermine. Thus, it finds ways to get around standards because in the face of subjectivism everything can be rationalized away by a new perspective. And, thus, standards in care get thrown out. Respect for patient autonomy, informed consent, and individualized careall of this went out the window during COVID, as many saw, and that is because we live in a postmodern society where relativism rules the day. A morally objective approach informed by Christian values would have seen a much different outcome, in my opinion. This is partly because Christian ethics emphasize community and interconnectedness, recognizing that we are all part of the body of Christ. Therefore, Christian healthcare providers are often motivated by a sense of self-sacrifice and service, viewing their work as a ministry to others. They may prioritize communal wellbeing and uphold the principle of the common good, understanding that individual health contributes to societal health.


Scientism is the belief that science is the only valid way to acquire knowledge, and that other forms of understanding, such as philosophy, religion, or art, are inferior or even meaningless (LeDrew, 2019). It emphasizes empirical evidence and the scientific method, often dismissing subjective experiences and moral values. It is a materialistic approach to understanding that results from the era of Enlightenment. Empiricism and rationalism are aspects of scientism; and, typically, scientism is antagonistic towards faith and supernatural explanations of reality. Thus, the idea of revealed religion (such as the ten commandments) would not find...…a nurse, I commit to treating all patients with compassion, recognizing their intrinsic worth, and assisting them in their healing process, both physically and spiritually.

I view knowledge as a gift from God, accessible through various means such as divine revelation, reasoning, experience, and scientific inquiry. While I place significant value on the reliability of scientific knowledge, particularly in healthcare, I concurrently appreciate the importance of spiritual and moral wisdom. The latter guides ethical decision-making and provides a more comprehensive understanding of human experiences, contributing to a holistic approach to patient care.

My ethical principles are grounded in the teachings of the Bible, which I trust as God's Word. It offers moral guidelines promoting love for God and neighbor, honesty, respect for life, and justice. These principles profoundly influence my nursing practice, shaping my decisions and actions aimed at promoting health, alleviating suffering, and upholding patient autonomy. They form the ethical compass that directs my professional conduct.

My life's purpose, as I believe, is to love and serve God, expressing this love through service to others. My profession as a nurse enables me to fulfill this calling, as I participate in promoting healing, providing comfort, and offering hope. I view my role not merely as a healthcare provider but as a conduit of God's love and compassion. Every patient interaction presents an opportunity to minister to…

Sources Used in Documents:


Brown, K. J. (2022). Shifting Sand: Reconnecting Social Work Values to Historical Biblical Foundations. Social Work & Christianity, 49(4).

LeDrew, S. (2019). Atheism and the Social Sciences. In Science, Belief and Society (pp. 223-238). Bristol University Press.

Perez-Lopez, A., & Perez-Lopez, I. (2022). Catholic Conscience and Civil Disobedience: The Primacy of Truth. Nova et vetera, 20(3), 773-792.

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"How Christian Worldview Informs Health Care", 14 May 2023, Accessed.1 June. 2024,

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