Healthcare Policies Research Paper

Health Policies Medicare When everyone in our country finally starts to reach the age of 65 years of age or older, then every person will become eligible for Medicare. It is clear that there are some elderly that are having minimum health concerns while others recurrently are dealing with medical issues for which they will have to seek out treatment by the doctor. However, research is starting to display that there are at least five top conditions that are enhancing on medical and drug spending. It is obvious that Heart disease circumstances are the number one medical issue that the those that are considered elderly are facing and that is becoming very costly to them. Most are unaware that the second one is the disease cancer and it could be internal or external for various elderly patients. Other issues such as joint ailments a lot of the times can cost large amounts of money due to medication though without this the aging individual is restricted to a good superiority of life and not be able to physically make it around their house. With that said, will spending on health care for the elderly bankrupt the United States? Well, it is clear that with the elderly live longer and with extreme health cost that they are indeed putting a stress on medicare and possibly sucking the country into economic failure.

The forthcoming of United States health care must should always involve some sort of rationing contend a previous governor and a medical-policy researcher. The issue is not merely how to keep cost under control but how to accomplish societal justice. One of the great tests in America's future is to put in retirement all of the baby boomers without bankrupting the country or disproportionately putting a burden on the future generations. This disaster could soon overpower American public strategy, as yesterday's baby boom starts turning into tomorrow's grandparent boom. The U.S. retirement system is now actuarially unmaintainable, and health-care expenses in the nation have risen over the previous 40 years at approximately two and one-half times the degree of increase, now overwhelming in excess of 15% of GDP. Considerate individuals are pending to understand that, given science's apparently boundless manufacture of new miracle actions, the exertions used to uphold our own elderly bodies can bankrupt all generations of children that are coming after them.

Today's elderly make up for roughly 13% of the U.S. residents, nevertheless they get more than 70% of all federal social spending. To some that is really exhausting the healthcare system thus spirally the country in our country. It is true that Americans are spending about three times more taxpayer on the elderly than on children; the federal government's expenditure is even more uneven. It is not a practicable nation-building approach to spend meaningfully more on the last age group than on the generation that is already current or forthcoming (Felt-Lisk). A lot of authorities are thinking that as a nation, we need to seriously start rethinking a lot about our basic public-policy expectations, for the reason that the current situation in health care and retirement expenditure is no longer an opportunity. The only query is how much and what kind of improvement we really need.

It is no accident that statistics show that health care costs are already in the process of consuming way more than double the portion of the United States budget that they did about 30 years ago. It is believed that the way things are going, that without a doubt are expecting to consume at least around $2.8 trillion by the end of this year, or 18.9% of gross domestic product (GDP) and all of this is conferring from the federal Centers on Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). However, these statistics are showing America that it is up from 8.2% of the economy in the year of 1975. [Footnote 16]

Medicaid and Medicare spending is now really growing at a similar speed. Bothe of these effective programs, which are form millions of Americans provide treatment for seniors and the poor and also those that are immobilized, correspondingly, are on route to grow...


The same as the "take backs" a lot of the employers are now demanding from union members, a lot of Americans citizens finding it intolerable to even reflect rejecting assistances they have appreciated, or anticipated to like, no matter what the motive. Reform will therefore need leadership-robust bipartisan management, which so far there has been a deprive of. It is clear that the public already has little faith in the political development, and individual citizens are enfolded up in their own wants and everyday life. With the country now governmentally splitting almost straight down the middle on a lot of different concerns, it will be hard to formulate the public for the type and magnitude of modification that is really necessary.
Right now, the dominant concern in American medicine for the immediate future will be how we start adjusting to the demographic authenticities of an aging culture. It will be governmentally and professionally agonizing. This would of course will cause much distress in a medical profession skilled to accept that there are almost limitless resources that are available and that cost is never contemplation. It will be an influential subject, producing as much disturbing change as did the improvement of medical education previously in the twentieth century. It definitely brings up the issues of restricting prospects in a society that has prided itself on setting no restrictions to possible in any part of life. However, it must be done.

It is clear that in the United States, we simply have discovered and invented many things to do to our bodies than our elderly society could possibly afford. It is apparent that this country is now on the verge of the electronic body, where medication can have some optimistic influence on almost all of the organs. It is understandable and most specialists do trust that Modern medicine has actually just outpaced the competence of any nation, even a rich country, to wage for everything helpful to everyone inside its borders.

In the U.S. we are creating a Faustian bargain, where our aging bodies can and will dissuade incomes that our children and grandchildren will need for their personal families and that community strategy requests for other significant social goods. The 2010 federal health-care law, which will more than likely be known by a lot of people as the Affordable Care Act, was planned to essentially alter Medicare prices by roughly $125 billion that will more than likely take place probably around the next five years. However, Medicare's actuaries are actually starting to worry that the United States savings which are normally brought from the 2010 law really cannot be dependent at all. That is because Congress has regularly canceled any plans to bring down Medicare costs for physicians and hospitals. Therefore, the Medicare trust fund is on schedule to actually run out of money around the year of 2025. Now research shows that this is five years previous than previously projected thus conferring to Richard Foster, who is the chief actuary at CMS.

In the United States, it is becoming more and more clearer each day that the Rising health care costs are a becoming a burden not just for the government but for regular citizens as well. "We are spending way too much. It is about $9,000 more every year for insurance for families that have around four members than we did in 2000," mentions Paul Hewitt, vice president of study at the Coalition for Affordable Health Coverage, a support assembly in Washington.

Professionals are believing that those that are aging in The United States, trends are a becoming a very significant motive for the speedy rise in health care expenses and an imperative cause of weight on the federal budget. "It is y worth bearing in mind that an important portion of health care development is demographically founded," mentions Jackson who is in charge of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He explains "the country is observing a really steep increase in budget just because of the growth in the regular age of the recipients -- the elderly generation."

Health policy is only one element within a social landscape of many needs. Our aging society faces three overriding public policy issues if it is to have a just and adequate healthcare system. First, it must guarantee basic health care, income security, and long-term care. Second, it must balance spending for prioritized health needs, while also providing the full spectrum of other government-funded social services. Third, because rationing of some sort is inescapable, we need a rational, transparent, and workable…

Sources Used in Documents:

Work Cited:

Wenzlow, Audra T., et al. "Effects of a Discharge Planning Program on Medicaid Coverage of State Prisoners with Serious Mental Illness." Psychiatric Services 62.1 (2011): 73-8.

Sommers, Benjamin D. "Loss of Health Insurance among Non-Elderly Adults in Medicaid." Journal of General Internal Medicine 24.1 (2009): 1-7.

Verdier, James, and Allison Barrett. "How Medicaid Agencies Administer Mental Health Services: Results from a 50-State Survey." Psychiatric Services 59.10 (2008): 1203-6.

Harman, Jeffrey S., Allyson G. Hall, and Jianyi Zhang. "Changes in Health Care use and Costs After a Break in Medicaid Coverage among Persons with Depression." Psychiatric Services 58.1 (2007): 49-54.

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"Healthcare Policies" (2012, May 31) Retrieved April 20, 2024, from

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