Education Term Paper

Education Over the last several years, the field of education has been continually changing. This is because the public is demanding greater amounts of accountability. For the Library and Media program, this means that there must be a focus on providing additional resources in an era of declining budgets. The key for dealing with these challenges requires that everyone have a sense of leadership and vision. To fully understand how these objectives can be achieved means looking at: areas for team building, the six column frame work, specific strategies that can be utilized, how this impacts choices for learning and two strategies for dealing with underperforming students. Together, these different elements will highlight how the Library and Media program can address the most critical issues inside the school. ("Impact of No Child Left Behind is Debatable," 2010)

Task 1: Identify three ways that you feel that you can encourage team building throughout the year. Assume that you are an administrator or a teacher leader at a school. What additional managerial tasks could you use in order to maintain the effectiveness of this team building? How would these tasks encourage growth and collaboration between teachers throughout the year?

The best way to encourage team building is to serve as a liaison between the administration and staff of the school. During this process, is when there will be a focus on listening to the concerns of both sides. This will build a relationship with different educators and administers. Once this is achieved, is the point that true leadership will have an impact in transforming the educational environment. (Wohlsetter, 1993)

The most effective approach for maintaining team building is to serve on different committees that will address key issues concerning the school. At the same time, there must be an emphasis on encouraging everyone to work together. This is accomplished by having good communication with the various stakeholders and discussing these challenges in an open format. Over the course of time, these kinds of conversations will open the door for everyone to agree towards meeting common goals. This is the point that true leadership can be exercised by taking personal initiative and gradually pushing everyone to work with each other. (Wohlsetter, 1993)

If these kinds of strategies were utilized, everyone would see that a new example is being set. When an educator is doing this, there will be a transformation inside the school environment. This is because these attitudes and ideas will begin to influence other staff members / administrators. Throughout the year, these beliefs will become a part of how everyone can begin working together to address the overall issues impacting the school. In many ways, one could argue that this is the key, in being able to reach out to various stakeholders and have an impact on their views. (Wohlsetter, 1993)

Task 2: What are the benefits to the six-column framework for differentiated instruction? (Creating the climate-knowing the learner-assessing the learner-instructional approaches-adjusting the learning-curriculum approaches)

The benefits to the six column framework are that it creates an environment which is supportive of learning. This is because each of these areas (i.e. The climate, knowing the learner, assessing the learner, adjustable assignments, instructional strategies and flexible curriculum approaches) are allowing the educator to create customizable strategies for the individual student's learning style. Once this occurs, is when they can be able to retain and apply a host of concepts later on. This is the point that achievement scores will improve. (Gregory, 2003, pp. 37 -- 44)

How can you use this framework in preparation for differentiated instruction?

These ideas can be used as framework for creating tactics that will reach out to different students. This will provide educators with a number of tools that will re-enforce different concepts. For example, in the Library and Media, the use of audio visual tools in association with information technology can improve everyone's understanding of the material. This will increase learning comprehension (which is leading to an improvement in test scores). As a result, this framework can be used as foundation for implementing different educational strategies inside the classroom. (Gregory, 2003, pp. 37 -- 44)

How might a leader use it to support change or improving instruction?

From a leadership perspective, these ideas can be used to create a series of approaches for reaching out to other educators and administrators. This can help to improve communication and coordination. Once this occurs, is when there will be a transformation in the way everyone is interacting with each other. These new attitudes will demonstrate the need to do something about the current challenges. This is the point that others will be motivated to do more by seeing various individuals taking the lead. (Gregory, 2003, pp. 37 -- 44)

On page 39 of Differentiated Instructional Strategies in Practice:


Read each step to the concept formation exercise. What is the purpose of each step?
The purpose of each step is to encourage everyone to work together by brainstorming and discussing various ideas. This kind of approach can be helpful in identifying key problems that could be affecting the school. Once this takes place, is when a discussion will occur that analyzes the ideas based on merit. This is the point that everyone feels their views are respected (which will have a positive impact on their levels of participation). As a result, each step is designed to encourage increased levels of motivation among different participants. (Gregory, 2003, pg. 39)

Will each step provide a pre-assessment of the teachers or merely provide the instructor with baseline data?

All of the steps will provide both. This is occurring through the brainstorming process and the analysis. Once this various ideas are organized, is when these views will be used to create pre-assessment procedures and base line data. (Gregory, 2003, pg. 39)

What are the primary considerations when determining classroom climate?

The different primary considerations for the setting include: the cultural traditions of the student, their education level, the ability to speak / write English fluently and if work well with others. The combination of these factors will determine what approach must be utilized. (Gregory, 2003, pg. 39)

How do teachers use this in differentiated instruction?

Teachers can use this strategy to create new ways of looking at different problems in the classroom and how to solve them. This will help to improve everyone's ability to think on their feet and quickly analyze situations. In a real world environment, these tools will allow them to make effective decisions (by utilizing these tools). (Gregory, 2003, pg. 39)

How can you use this to differentiate instruction when providing professional development to teachers?

These ideas can be used to create customizable modules that will help educators to improve their techniques. When working with different students, these tools can prepare them for the challenges they will face. (Gregory, 2003, pg. 39)

Task 3: Select a strategy for building relationships that can be used within an educational or work setting. Discuss how this strategy may benefit the culture within your school or workplace (Library and Media) to improve instruction.

The best way to build relationships is to work with colleagues about helping to address their needs. This means having a discussion with them about how various tools can improve their presentation. For example, inside this kind of environment there could be a discussion about the impact of certain tools at improving learning comprehension. These tools can be utilized at certain times, to provide different perspective to students. This means that the various interactive tools will increase their ability to understand and apply different facts. ("Classroom Management," 2012)

To be able to achieve these objectives requires having everyone communicate and understand each other. When the Library and Media staff is taking the initiative, it is automatically building relationships with different educators. This is the point that various discussions can be used to understand their needs and provide them with the tools to achieve these goals. ("Classroom Management," 2012)

Once this occurs, is when this kind of collaboration will improve the educational environment. As everyone will be accustomed; in working with each other at addressing a host of challenges that are impacting the school. This will transform the culture and it will improve learning comprehension. In the future, this will translate into higher grade point averages and achievement scores. ("Classroom Management," 2012)

Task 4: How will the results impact your own choices for learning? Do you believe your education would have been improved if your own teachers had differentiated instruction based on your multiple intelligences? What influence do the theories of multiple intelligence have on differentiated instruction? Do you believe that learning improves when it is tailored to learning preferences? Or does it just make learning more enjoyable? Can lessons be engaging without being differentiated for learning preferences? Why or why not?

These results are impacting my choices by teaching me how: leadership, cooperation and a positive attitude are critical for a learning environment. This means that these concepts can be effectively implemented if the person has an open mind during the process. As…

Sources Used in Documents:


Alternative Assessments. (2010). NAGC. Retrieved from:

Classroom Management. (2012). Hub Pages. Retrieved from:

Impact of No Child Left Behind is Debatable. (2010). NPR. Retrieved from

Multipule Intelligence Theory. (2011). PBS. Retrieved from:
Wohlsetter, P. (1993). School-Based Management. CPRE Finance Briefs. Retrieved from:

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"Education", 28 May 2012, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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