Business Ethics Development Of International Term Paper


H1: In the ethical climate of independence, the business ethics level of Taiwanese ITP's is low.

Results of Testing Hypothesis Five

It has been established in the fourth hypothesis that the greater the ethical climate of independence, the greater the level of ethical self-direction and ownership of ethical outcomes. This also holds true when the ethical climate of instrumental low. The adherence to self-defined ethical standards is high. When the specific variable of in this company, the employees are expected to do their job according to their personal belief of ethics is correlated against the variable of in this company, the employees can make decisions based on their personal judgment, a Pearson's Correlation Coefficient of.545, statistically significant at the.01 level of confidence. This supports the acceptance of the Null (H0) hypothesis. Arguably the greater the level of independence and instrumental low defined for respondents, the greater the level of personal ethical standards applied to decisions.

Hypothesis Six

The sixth hypothesis relates to the effects of an ethical climate of law and code relative to the level of ethics exemplified by Taiwanese ITPs' level of self-censuring and self-adherence to internal ethical standards. As is the case with hypotheses four and five, the effects of greater levels of independence and freedom foster Taiwanese ITPs' greater sense of ownership relative to ethical conduct, decision making, and definition of norms and values in their organization. The two hypotheses that are tested as a result are as follows:

H0: In the ethical climate of law and code, the business ethics level of Taiwanese ITP's is high.

H1: In the ethical climate of law and code, the business ethics level of Taiwanese ITP's is low.

Results of Testing Hypothesis Six

Earlier in this chapter the observation was made that males more than females have a higher level of compliance to formal authority in their organizations. Using both parametric and nonparametric correlation analysis was used in deciding whether to accept or reject the sixth hypothesis. Using the three variables specifically from the ECQ the level of law and code that contributes to ethics on the part of Taiwanese ITPs' was measured. From the correlation analysis of variables ECQQ19 (to obey the law and professional code is compulsory for the employees in this company), ECQQ20 (This company expects that employees must not violate the law whatever they do or in any decisions they make) and ECQQ21 (to fully follow the company policies and procedures is seen as the key element for a successful employee in this company), shows statistical significance between the two variables This company expects that employees must not violate the law whatever they do or in any decisions they make and to obey the law and professional code is compulsory for the employees in this company (correlation analysis of ECQQ19 and ECQQ20) generated a correlation coefficient of.594 at the.01 level of significant using a two-tailed test. This leads to the acceptance of the Null Hypothesis (H0) that when an ethical climate of law and code is in place the ethics of Taiwanese ITPs' is high. The Null Hypothesis is accepted as a result.

Hypothesis Seven

Taiwanese ITPs' ethical conduct based there being an ethical climate of rule is also evaluated in the research to ascertain how this aspect of Taiwanese ITPs' environments affects their level of business ethics. The hypotheses are defined as follows:

H0: In the ethical climate of rule, the business ethics level of Taiwanese ITP's is high.

H1: In the ethical climate of rule, the business ethics level of Taiwanese ITP's is low.

Results of Testing Hypothesis Seven

Very comparable to the sixth hypothesis, this hypothesis looks to measure the impact of a climate of rule on ethics of Taiwanese ITPs. The concept of the climate of rule, is very comparable to the ethical climate of law and code, yet difference variables for the ECQ are used in accepting or refuting the hypotheses. Using correlation analysis to identify the statistical significance of ECQQ22 (Not any employee can violate the firm's rules and policies) measured against ECQQ19 and ECQQ20, two variables that predict the level of climate and code, generates a Pearson correlation coefficient of (.226), significant at the.01 level of confidence using a two-tailed test. Based on the correlation analysis completed, the Null Hypothesis is accepted that in an ethical climate of rule, the business ethics level of Taiwanese ITP's is high. Another insight also emerges from the analysis that in general, the Taiwanese ITPs' level of compliance is very high in relative terms and also seen as a potential career strategy for getting ahead as evidenced by the high co relational value of ECQQ21, which is the variable from the ECQ that specifically...


The eight hypothesis focused on the impact of an ethical climate being caring is present. From the previous hypothesis testing that is related, it's clear that recent ethics training actually increases empathy and caring, in addition to a more discerning approach to ascertaining the best possible direction ethically for an individual to take. The two hypotheses to be tested are as follows:
H0: In the ethical climate of caring, the business ethics level of Taiwanese ITP's is low.

H1: In the ethical climate of caring, the business ethics level of Taiwanese ITP's is high.

Results of Testing Hypothesis Eight

From a correlation analysis of all twelve variables measured as part of the hypothetical story included in the questionnaire, the finding was mentioned earlier of those who have received ethics training being more tolerant of the differences in ethical behaviour, and also more likely to be caring and compassion, looking at the value of life over law on a very consistent basis. From the correlation analysis completed, it is clear that the respondent base feels that a legal exception should be made in order to save the Da Pao's son on the one hand, yet there is concern of what the illegal activity of having a black-market kidney transplant will have on ones' reputation. At the intersection of these variables is a correlation coefficient of.726, at the.01 level of confidence, using a two-tailed test. Given these results it appears that in an ethical climate of caring, business ethics levels are high. As a result the Null Hypothesis is rejected and the Alternative H1) is accepted.

In conclusion, the following hypotheses are accepted from an analysis of the survey results. Each of the accepted hypotheses is listed below:

Hypothesis One

H0: There are no differences in the business ethics level of ITP's in Taiwan with respect to different age levels.

Hypothesis Two

H0: There are no differences in the business ethics level of ITP's in Taiwan with respect to different genders.

Hypothesis Three

H0: There are no differences in the business level of ITP's in Taiwan whether they have completed ethics education or not.

Hypothesis Four

H0: In the ethical climate of independence, the business ethics level of Taiwanese ITP's is high. (Instrumental low)

Hypothesis Five

H0: In the ethical climate of independence, the business ethics level of Taiwanese ITP's is high.

Hypothesis Six

H0: In the ethical climate of law and code, the business ethics level of Taiwanese ITP's is high.

Hypothesis Seven

H0: In the ethical climate of rule, the business ethics level of Taiwanese ITP's is high.

Hypothesis Eight

H1: In the ethical climate of caring, the business ethics level of Taiwanese ITP's is high.


From an analysis of both the hypothetical liver transplant story and the thirteen variables that comprise the ECQ, each of the eight hypotheses have been tested and selected using t-tests of significance, correlations including Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, ANOVA and comparison of means. An overall assessment emerges of ethical decisions and behaviour on the part of Taiwanese ITPs' as being more focused on compliance as a career advancement strategy over fear of reprisals. The effects of ethics training also exhibit the effect in the respondent base of making them more questioning of the ethics of a given situation and also more caring overall; in other words ethics training brings a higher level of ambiguity tolerance into the evaluation of decisions and their ethical alternatives. Respondents also exhibit a high level of ownership relative to ethical decisions in their organizations the greater independence they have. The role of autonomy and the opportunity for Taiwanese ITP's to sense and take direct responsibility for their ethics is also emerges from the statistical analysis of the results.


Study Design Based on Contemporary Literature

Ethics and their influence on the viability and performance of organizations globally has never been more critical, with international trade and commerce being highly visible in the recent series of scandals globally. The exponential growth of compliance initiatives including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) and many other specific compliance initiatives implemented by the…

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